chapter 2

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Betty and Cheryl were both at Thornhill getting ready. Veronica was at her penthouse, the Pembroke. She had told the girls that she'd meet them at pops since she was running a bit late after she had dealt with a business meeting.

After the two cousins had finished getting ready, they hopped in Cheryl's bright red 1964 convertible chevy impala. Cheryl rarely took her car out just because it was such a classic. She had another car that was a lot newer but, I guess this was a special occasion.

They pull up to pops and park right up front. Getting out of the car, they could see from the window that a row of 3 people were seated in booth. They weren't completely sure it was them but no one else seemed to be in a crowd of 3 tonight. They couldn't make out their facial features from afar.

With every bell that ring from the door, they noticed how at least 2 of the 3 would look back at the entrance in anticipation.

The two girls chuckled at them. Cheryl found it desperate but, Betty thought it was adorable how they just couldn't wait for them to come.

Cheryl felt her phone vibrate and ring. She looked down at her phone, reading her message quickly and then quickly repeated it back to her cousin.

"Veronica said that she'll be here any minute. She's on her way now and she said that we can get started and just come in when she's here since they've already been waiting too long."

The blond nodded in agreement and the two girls walked in to the diner. As soon as the bell above them rang, they noticed two men immediately looking back at them with huge smiles across their face. They were already sitting in a booth. There was a third person who sat on the end. But what surprised them was that it was a woman. They had expected all three to be men. This was exciting to Cheryl, considering she hadn't expected a woman here.

They looked around the diner to see if there was a chance it could be anybody else, just to make sure one last time but they seemed to be the only trio sitting in a row. Cheryl and Betty walked up to the group of three. There were two dark haired men. One taller than the other. And a brunette girl. She was focused on her craft project in front of her. She was stacking toothpicks in a squared and 3 dimensional shape, on top of eachother, trying to build a tower. She had used up all the toothpicks at the booth they were sitting at and had seemed to grab some from a neighboring booth. The tower that she had built must have been about 4 inches now, which had taken the girl about 30 minutes since she started when they got there.

"Jughead?" Betty questioned, walking over with Cheryl right next to her.

"Yes, that's me!" A man with a denim jacket responded to her.

He stood up, signaling the man next to him to let the woman at the end of the table know to let them out since they were both seated on the inside. Jughead was seated by the window, then it was a taller male with a muscle shirt on, and at the beginning of the booth was the tanned girl. As the taller boy in the middle stood up and nudged the girl next to her, he accidentally hit his knee on the table. The table shook and immediately the brunettes project had begun to crumble.

The girl reached for her toothpicks trying to catch the fall. At that exact moment the redhead instinctively reached over trying to help the girl. She picked up a few toothpicks, and just then their hands touched each others as they had went to reach for the same toothpick. The brunette finally looked up between them and found herself gazing into the redheads eyes. They each gave eachother a small smile as they both looked at eachother.

Redness flooded the pale girls cheeks as they locked eyes. At this moment Cheryl just felt utter admiration, being immediately attracted to the girl with just one single touch. It has never been like this with anyone. The touch of their hands made Cheryl tingle inside. The tanned girl couldn't help but think the girls blushing was the most adorable thing she's seen in awhile. Her heart grew tender, looking at the redhead. This hasn't happened to her ever. She's never just looked at a person and be completely infatuated with them. The brunettes heart pounded as Cheryl's palm began to sweat. The tanned woman felt the girls profuse sweating yet she didn't care. She was so distracted by her beauty and the way she felt just looking at her as they shared a touch that they had forgotten where they were. They had forgotten that there were others and that the world didn't stop with just them in it.

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