Chapter 3: Fallen Tree

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  Dreadfully I sat Blaze Fury over my shoulder as I headed back to my hut. Blaze Fury gently laid her near the wall as she embers to sleep. Feeling restless I lit up a candle with numbers written on the side, a nail then stuck out near the twenty-minute mark.

The loud sound of the nail hitting the platter got me ready for the day, as usual, I picked up my ax and got ready for a normal workday. Greet the people of Mammalia, go to Maflyn Woods, chop down twenty trees and divide them into bite-size logs. Fifteen gold pieces were not the best I got paid for but it's nothing special. Feeling hungry Daisy's was open.

"Hey Daisy, can I get the usual for lunch?" She could tell I was not in the best state right now. She offered me a protein shake to keep my energy up. I thanked her as she left. A man sat next to me and ordered the same thing. He exchanged a smile with my neutral expression.

"What's wrong, boy, you've never seen another mortal?" I didn't want to be rude and ignore his question, but that 'boy' said otherwise. "Sorry to frighten you, it's just not normal to see another mortal in these parts especially in this small town. I've been far for a long time; I'm surprised to see surviving folks from Animalia."

"It doesn't exist anymore? My books are outdated; from what I read Animalia was a prospering kingdom with a stable hierarchy. Lions governed the law, canines protected that law, but cold blooded creatures such as reptiles and amphibians were recorded to break that law... that was one place in my bucket list but now it's gone."

"That's interesting... If I knew how to read I would've known that; not much education where I came from." I asked where he was from. "Mirasa, but it's been years since I saw that place."

Daisy returns with my meal but the glass shatters. "PAULO GET AWAY FROM HIM!" She then starts to call for help.

The man then gets a hold of me and aimed a sword over my neck. "I am on the hunt for a knife, a talking knife named Garosh, has anyone seen one or the boy won't live past now." He said so calmly as the sword grows closer.

"ANYONE KNOW WHERE HE IS?!" His tone changed as he showed grinned creepily with pearly white teeth. "Paulo, we're friends right, you don't happen to know where Garosh is?"

I jarred my head back causing him to grab his nose as I summoned Blaze Fury from the palm of my hand and began to swing.

He ducks under my swing and jabs a punch under my chin. My vision blurred, but as a reckless maniac, I continued to swing. I couldn't hit him. Out of stamina, he pushes me down and with one devastating kick I blacked out.

The sound of terror never felt so vulnerable. Mammalians scream and run as the manacle laughter of the devil echoes. The village suffered from a huge wildfire. And all but a black silhouette stands with laughter so loud it's as if he enjoyed it.

Filled with a burning hatred I picked myself up and waddled my way to him.

My home, my people, my friends, and my mother—Daisy—was nowhere in sight. He notices and turns with a white grin and devil-like eyes facing away from the fire.

"CAN YOU FEEL IT PAULO, THE CHAOS I LONGED FOR TWENTY YEARS!" He cackled. "LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE! This wouldn't have happened so soon if you'd just tell me where Garosh-boy is..."

"That's enough, remember me, Stephen?" No other man wears white armor like Jason does. He stood tall as the green knife glowed in his pocket.

"There's my little demon—Jason it's been years, how's Merith? Why don't you be a dear and just hand Garosh over."

"You're insane to think I would ever give you your source of power!" Jason stands tall and gets ready in a stance. Stephen smiled as he clenched Blaze Fury by the neck.

"You think people fear me with Garosh in my hands? There's a reason why they called me a tyrant while they called Garosh a villain." He giggled. "The difference is because I have the idea of strife, chaos, and death; to spread it so the world will know my wrath."

"What a shit goal, a childish one at that. I've fought worse than the likes of you." Jason starts to approach Stephen as he tilts his head.

His smile soon changed into a critique's expression. Wielding Blaze Fury as though he knew her, he held her at two ends and waited.

Jason without any hesitation slams his weapon causing the ground to shake when the dirt cleared Stephen was parallel to Jason's blade.

Stephen slammed his shoulder causing Jason to fall. Jason got back up and prepared himself for another round.

"I hope you meant worse as in quality not in personality." He began to spin Blaze Fury.

Jason dragged his sword to attack, but Stephen jumped back and aimed the pommel, unleashing a burst of flames causing Jason to stumble back.

With one simple push, he falls. He struggles to get up, but Stephen unleashes a devastating slam to the chest he goes for another but stops as Jason whiffs his shield, another ruthless hit.

He grabbed the green knife as he threw the ax away. "My dear friend, it's been far too long." He smiled at Garosh as I wiggled my way to Blaze Fury. Touching the tip, she's safe.

Armored men suddenly came and saluted. "Lord Stephen, are you in shape to move?" Others like him were evacuating the Mammalians. I don't see Daisy.

"I'm fine... I have the Specter's sword, but I found a terrible discovery." His tone was no longer raspy, it was noble and soft. "This boy is infected with a demon weapon, mad with the power he burned this poor village along with this Wolf—his accomplice I believe." The soldier tied a rope around my arms as Jason was chained in cuffs.

  "Along with the traitors, they must be executed... I can't risk another demon like Garosh." The soldier understood and threw Jason and me into a cart. The last thing I saw was Stephen's smile haunting the ride away from Mammalia.

Authors Note: Hi, I'm a low-level writer and was hoping to share my story, but this isn't where I usually post the chapters, I have a preferred website where I post them. I am merely posting them here just to spread the word, thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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