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"P'Pran tell me about you," Pa asked.

Me? About what? and why?

"I can read your mind, Pran." I got a glare from Ink and I smiled awkwardly. 

"Well... I am a university student, in the faculty of Architecture. I have two part-time jobs-"

"You aren't in a job interview P'Pran." Pa was trying to not laugh. I sighed.

"How about your question and I answer honestly. "

 I suck at talking about myself.

"Hmm okay. Tell me about your parents."

 Suddenly a cold splash of water was poured into me, well not for real but that's how I felt. 

"I am an orphan."

Their eyes soften, "How- I mean-"

"I was raised in an orphanage and after I turned 18, I am living by myself." I smiled not wanting to look at their eyes full of sympathy.

"I am sorry- I thought someone must have adopted you- I- Okay. " Pa started, "P'Pran let me tell you a story."


"shut up just listen." 

Under the burning gaze of Ink, Do I have a choice? I nodded.

" So it began... 20 years ago, There was one couple in our pack. the couple was very well respected and renowned because they were the most trusted family of our Alpha and Luna aka king and queen of our pack. They were the Siderechawats. " 

That-That's my last name.

Ink nodded and let Pa continue. 

"Mr. Siderechawat was my grandfather's most trusted man among his bodyguard. Him being his son's age, he was quite amused by how hard-working he was whereas Mrs. Siderechawat was one of the maids working for Grandma, Luna wouldn't go anywhere without her. Soon both of them met and their love story blossomed, one of the cutest that this pack has ever heard of. Soon, they got married and were expecting a child." 

This...is a bit too overwhelming.

"Mr. and Mrs. Siderechawat were raised in the castle with Alpha and Luna, so it was natural for Alpha and Luna to treat them like their own.  So, when they heard that they were going to have a baby, they were delighted and threw a feast. The whole pack celebrated. 

During that time, My father and mother had taken over the throne. My grandma and grandpa had retired, and my brother was the crowned alpha for the next generation.

 Some months later, there were some conflicts between werewolves and the human government, and  Mr. Siderechawat was immediately made a peacekeeping officer's chief by our father which means having to leave this pack and live in the human world to solve the conflict, my grandpa questioned of course but couldn't go against my dad because he knew that Mr. Siderechawat was the best person for the job. 

They happily accepted and the family shifted, Grandma wanted to keep the child and Mrs. Siderechawat in the pack only, but she wanted to take care of her husband and raise her child with him. 

I don't know what happened after but after some months, there was news of their dead bodies in the jungle, and their child missing. The whole pack was devastated. 

The New Alphas and Luna were strict but not cruel and ignorant. A pack means one whole family P'Pran, so as soon as the news arrived the bodies were brought and respectfully cremated, Dad or  Alpha even shredded a few tears for the first time.

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