Peace for a moment

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I sat on a bale of hay. Due to the height of the hay I looked right into the eyes of Rip with out having to stand on my tip toes. Even then I was still looking up.

"Its just one afternoon Rip." I had just proposed that we take the afternoon off. To witch he shot down immediately. Not even giving it a chance.

"Carly I just don't think it's such a good idea." My frown deepened and I had to resist rolling my eyes.

"Rip they don't need you here all the time. They are big boys." I snapped. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Please Rip I need this. Ever since Lee died I haven't had time to relax. But if you don't want to go then I'll just go by myself. I said looking up. His brown eyes held concern.

"Darlin it's not that I don't want to go, I just.." He stopped. "Know what? They can manage with out me." A thankful smile came to my lips.

"Thank you." I pecked his lips.

We saddled up our horses and we were off. It felt nice just to go on a ride. No destination. No where to be. And no worry. The sun was nice and warm. It shined down on us making us shed our layers. It wasn't too long before we came to the river. On the other side of the river was a grove of trees. Then surrounding it was fields of grass. On the side we were on there were a couple trees here and there. By one of them was a fire pit. Then also fields of long green grass. Wildflowers were all around in different colors. The summer breeze smelled like the flowers.

"You want to stop and have lunch here?"

"Ya. It's beautiful out here." I said as I stopped Star and looked around.

"Not as beautiful as you." I coukd help but smile at his cheesy line.

"Thank was cheesy." I said as I looked over at him.

"You love it."

"Ya I do." We tied the horses up to the tree. We sat in the grass and ate. I layed on my back letting the sun warm me all over. The grass tickled my bare arms. I could feel Rip's presents by me. "See isn't this nice?" I asked as I looked over at him. He was already lookin at me smiling at me. It was a smile that I didn't see all that often. And it was only for me. It never failed to make my heart flutter.

"This is nice." He agreed. I moved closer to him so that we were side by side. I turned my head and kissed his lips. His hands cupped my cheek.

"Thank you." I said when we broke apart.

"Your welcome." He said as he brushed some hair out of my face. And that's how we spent the rest of the afternoon. Laying in the grass talking and kissing.

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