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kay hated school.
plain and simple.

nothing about school was entertaining or fun to kay, it was just harassment upon excruciating amounts of useless and boring school work. they didn't like any of the people there, any of the teachers, not even the food was good. they were never allowed to stay home, no matter the excuse or reason.

worst of all was science. science was the death of kay, basically. there was no joy that came from science in kay's mind. they found it pointless.

kay, like most kids that lived close, walked to school. it was only about a five to ten minute walk - and they often walked to school alone. kay didn't mind this though it gave them time to listen to all their favourite bands and singers. honestly walking to school was probably the most enjoyable part about weekdays - minus getting home of course.

you see, kay went to a strict catholic school. the type of school that if they even see your phone at all, it gets taken for five days. the sort of school that only sells brown sludges for food. it was a strictly all girls school, and once a year the students from each year 10 form, would be taken out of lesson to meet up with the boys from the neighbouring school. the idea was that the teachers would partner each girl with their "ideal partner" for a week where the years would mix. it was all based on grades and totally rigged so that the girls with more money (aka girls that donated more to the school) would get paired up with more handsome and rich guys. and of course non of the students had any say in these matters. not unless you payed a wealthy sum.

kay once again had zoned out. the next thing they knew was that they had arrived at the rusty gates that lead into the school.


standing at the gate was three girls, they were all chatting extremely loud to one another. you could hardly miss them, all three of them had tied there skirts up, as to make them shorter - one was even missing a tie. they were more or less kay's tormentors, they made their life living hell. while passing them kay was forced to re-direct they're gaze to the floor. hoping and praying that they were too entangled in their own conversation to notice them slip by.

the girl that was missing the tie had long blonde hair and fair skin. she had piercing blue eyes and various freckles covering her face. she was more or less the ring leader as she wore a ring on each finger - making her punches deadly. the girl, wore a necklace, with the initials "MC" engraved on it, around her neck as her name was maria cattle. she was never told no, and got everything she wanted. this was why she felt entitled to everything and everyone.

the second girl was christine sheldon. she had shoulder length ginger hair that was always tied back into a ponytail. in her previous school, due to her hair colour, she was picked on quite a bit. as a result christine never backs down from a fight. her eyes was as black as night and she was easily one of the prettiest girls in school, earning her a lot of male attention. she aimed to be feared, as to never be picked on again - opting to pick on others instead.

the last girl was a short asian girl, whose name was kyouko lang. she had natural dark brown hair that faded into black hair dye. she, like jen, had beautiful green eyes, however her ugly personality contradicted her stunning outer appearance. see unlike the other two, who had rhyme and reason for being so horrible, kyuoko simply enjoyed being mean for the sake of it.

kay thought they had successfully by passed the girls when...


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