Share Your Ideas

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Any story ideas that you'd like any feedback on, or writing pieces?

Now it's the time to shine!!

I kinda want to do a little workshop with either a one on one/or open share with lovelies who are struggling or thinking of a story idea and need a perspective on it.

It'll be your choice whether you'd like to share with everyone or just myself personally.

If you'd like only my focus on it, comment here and write 'Me'. From there I will DM you through Wattpad - finally got it to work - and we can discuss your ideas, or you can share with me what you have and I can give you advice or edit your piece if that's something you'd like me to do; this will only be one on one so what you share with me will only stay between us.

If you'd like to share with everyone and gain more than one insight, comment here with your story idea or a piece of your work!

Let's have fun with it and gain motivation through feedback!



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