Relationship Stuff

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Man..... If friendships were bad for me, let me not get started on relationships.....

But I guess it's good to open up and talk about it.

My relationships were so bad.

I can't lie, yes, some moments were great.

They just ended so bad.

I don't think there was one relationship that we were like 'Yes, we're all good'

Would be nice if that was the case.

I don't know exactly what to share, just ask me anything and I'll answer haha, I'm a little awkward.

How have your relationships been?

If you haven't been in a relationship, what do you think you look for in a person?

Need any advice about crushes or relationships in general?

Trust me, I've been through enough, I don't know the answers to everything but I can give you some advice based on my experiences :') not only me but the lovelies here too!!


- GG

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