Chapter 6

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Third person pov-

Y/n and ron are back to their old tactics being best friends making fun of most people not being mean but just to make each other laugh yk the usual, making fun of each other as well, now ron and lavender are still together y/n and Harry are getting a hint of him getting more and more annoyed by her slowly over time but they're letting him deal with it on his own, they don't want him mad at them, again.

Y/n pov-

Me Harry and Ron are joking around in the common room whilst mione is reading, as always

He- keep it down please you three are bloody annoying

Y- yes mother.

Ron laughed just then I hear the squeaky voice of lavender

La- where's my won wonnnn

Y- ughhhh

Harry rolled his eyes at the sight of her

H- oh won won I love you so much

Y- oh I love you too lavender let's snog some more

We grabbed each other and started to fake kiss making fun of Ron

R- shove off

He pushed my arm making me laugh but lavender just pouted

La- are you just gonna let them make fun of us?

R- they're just joki-


Y- Merlin someone please shut it up

Harry snorted and we walked away

H- we're going to the tree join us when she leaves

Harry laughed while I kissed Ron's cheek

Y- bye fuck face

R- go away loser

He pushed me and I laughed

We got to the tree and started just talking abt everything like always

Ron's pov-

La- what was that.

R-what was what

La- why did she kiss you

R- uhm she's my best friend? I'm confused why are you getting mad over that

I rolled my eyes at her idiotic behavior

La- your CONFUSED?? You let another girl kiss you won won. That's not ok yk she's in love with you can't you see that she's obsessed with you won won. She's always stuck up your ass it's quite annoying.

R- you're quite annoying lavender. She's my best friend bloody hell, and if anyones stuck up my ass it's you.

I rolled my eyes and stood up

La- I am not annoying that's rude. I'm your girlfriend-

R-lavender I'm going to hang out with them just leave me alone for a little please I need to think.

La- ok I love-

I slammed the Portrait shut and made my way to our tree

I see Harry and y/n laughing pushing each other godrick she's so pretty. What no. Shut up Ron.

Y/n pov-

Me and Harry were impersonating lavender again laughing when I saw Ron walk up with a red face

In love with my best friend- a Ron Weasley imagineWhere stories live. Discover now