Chapter 5

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Chapter 5-

The next week has been so quiet without Ron bugging me. I ran to potions almost late my hair is a mess because I didn't sleep much last night I kept having the same dream over and over again but I chose to ignore it and sit as far from Harry and ron as I could  but the only seat was in front of malfoy. Great. As soon as I sit and get my hair settled  snape walks in going on about whatever he feels about yelling at Ron and Harry for something but I just put my head down ignoring it. Malfoy kept poking me but I'd just ignore it.

S- so today We're going to make this can anyone tell me what it is? Anyone?

I looked at it and saw a light pink shimmery liquid

My hand stayed down and I looked away  while hermiones went flying up

S- yes granger.

He- that's amortentia, the worlds strongest love potion

He hummed a reply and started going on and on but I ended up zoning out

S- can you answer my question ms.jones

Y- I-I'm sorry sir I zoned out...

S- I thought so. Why don't you come smell this for the class and tell us what you smell

Y- sir that won't work I don't believe in love..

I put my head down

P- surly you do I always see you with potter and the Weasley's you've got to fancy one of them

S- enough Parkinson. Come on. Smell it.

I gulped and walked up front I have no clue who I'll smell because I was being honest I don't believe in love. And I don't fancy anyone...

I took a small sniff

Y- yep see nothing can I go sit now

S- smell it.

I looked over at Harry and ron they looked sad for me while malfoy was laughing with crabb and Goyal

I took another sniff longer this time and I smelt something

D- so what do you smell jones?

Y- uhm... fire wood, freshly cut grass, spearmint and cinna...

My eyes went wide

Y- uh that's all.

I quickly ran to my seat and looked down

Draco leant up behind me and whispered in my ear

D- the quidditch field, a fire place and what was the last one you got too quiet but I have a clue as to who you fancy darling

He laughed and looked towards Ron and Harry

Y- as If malfoy. I don't believe in love. I think you're mad you can't have me but yk all you have to do is ask maybe I'll give you a chance

I winked at him and turned back to the front leaving him stunned

I was lying ofc I wouldn't ever sleep with him but I wanted him to shut up

I knew exactly what and who I smelled but I chose to push it back and ignore it for many reasons

1.Love is fake. 2.Im always on the quidditch field so duh I'd smell it and 3. He's my best friend. I do not love Ronald Weasley

Rons POV-

I'm sitting in potions next to Harry when y/n comes running in looking a mess like she didn't sleep too well, even though she looked like that she was still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, wait no. Shut up ron she's your best friend. Shut up.

In love with my best friend- a Ron Weasley imagineWhere stories live. Discover now