Ochako: does that make you a whore then? Cause as I see it you are doing it for financial gain.

Momo: why would I bitch I'm already wealthy and rich which he knows of  and he doesn't like gold diggers like you and trust me he knows that of you so nice along before you get hurt and your parents won't have to lose a child.

Ochako: it's not over yet and Izuku you will fall in love with me and get over this bitch.

As she left the both grew disgusted on how she switched her walk side to side.

Izuku: she's disgusting I don't see how they are able to get her in here.

Momo: tell me about it let's go baby

Izuku: alright.

As most of the day people where able to see Izuku and asked amongst themselves how was he able to get a metal arm until a certain blonde idiot decided to pick on him.

Monoma: look at we have here a guy with a metal arm you think your so scary you ain't shit compare to me as I the great Neito Monoma your superior you should be lucky to see me as such.

Before kendo was able to chop him Izuku spoke up making everyone look at Monoma as if he owned him.

Izuku: you say that your superior to me but can you back that up without trying to copy someone quirk better yet let's prove to see who's more superior if I win you gonna tell everyone your my bitch and if I lose I can be your lap dog who follows you without a say I'm a word how's that pussy punk bitch.

As izuku said that last part everyone looked at a now distressed Monoma who literally just got owned by Izuku and the bakugo twins are laughing their asses off after he got owned.

Katuski: what's wrong scared to fight him where's all that talk coming from now saying *mocking Monoma* I'm superior then all you class 1a scums. That's right you can't back that shit up when he's here.


Izuku: but what pussy punk bitch you scared to face me without using someone's quirk *looks down* oh look at that his pride went to his pants look at him.

As everyone saw Monoma pants they see a huge piss stain right there and everyone laughed at him calling him pissy boy and pussy punk bitch following what Izuku said.

Izuku walked off with the rest of the class 1a who was finally stopped being pestered by that boy and thanked him and he returned their thanks.

Kirishma: I'm not gonna bother you to much but I just want to say that was manly of you to stick up for yourself and for the class you have my respect man.

Izuku: thank you you might be the only friend that I have other then that girl with the earphone jacks.*point king at Jirou who heard what they said*

Kirishma: I understand that for sure after what you went threw I understand you don't trust no one but those 2.

A//N: Momo told Izuku about Jirou and that she wasn't the one to bully anyone who is quirkless so he trust her but not as much as he trust momo but he does see her as a friend and it was a start for the both of them and Jirou is already dating Denki*

Izuku: is people in this school is always like that blonde bastard.

Momo: no it's just him but I'm glad your able to help us with him and May him able to get embarrassed.

Izuku: your welcome love.

Everyone in 1A: (he sure loves her more then anyone in this cafeteria but we are glad that he's not able to kill is all tho thank God)

Aizawa: so as long as Barnes is able to maintain himself around Starks we don't have to worry about putting him down he then again he got diplomacy immunity so there's nothing to be worried about that's good Miss Starks continue doing a good job containing him.

Nezu: I can't blame the boy for hating people with quirks considering the fact that the people before her ruined his life on hating quirks and wanting to kill them for having it but how is it that she was able to get him to love her?

Aizawa: your guess is as good as mine I'm just glad he's not a villain after the abuse and neglect.

Midnight: nezu I might answer your question maybe it's because when he lost his arm that day she was able to help him and he possibly remembered her at a very young age that's probably why and his love for her grew overtime and hoping that she has the same feelings but now we know.

Everyone was shocked that midnight said that but they knew she's not wrong on that.

Nezu: that's very interesting to say midnight I can't argue with the facts you say.

That's the end of this chapter till next time izumomo lover out

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