Side story break up

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After Izuku was taken by Bucky momo fell in love completely to Izuku she knows that he's quirkless but the way she seen it she seen something special in humans she is  Dedicated to see him again but first she had to break up with shoto because of his action since her quirk is creation all she had to do was just create a weapon and aim it at him and threaten him. The next day she gotten to the park and saw shoto there she created it and just hid it away she walked towards him with variety of hate in her cause she doesn't want it to take over her quickly.  But when she gotten close she saw that he was cheating on her and it broke her heart to her dismay but she didn't let it get to her fully as she walked over shoto just got done with his little side piece.

Momo: I see that you have another girl.

Shoto:(startled): mi-ch

Momo: don't finish that I saw what you did yesterday to that boy especially the part where you said you wanted him to die I thought you wanted to be a hero?

Shoto: I do what do you mean I never did anything wrong

After he finished his sentence momo played the part of what he said and showed that he beaten Izuku down and cause his arm to break apart.

Momo: listen here *pulls him out* don't you ever get near me or my father again for here on out you and your friends will never see my face again and if you think I'm playing I will shoot and make you the same as him all of you so right you can go back to that girl whoever she was cause I caught you with her and saw you gave her a kiss on the cheeks I'm not stupid or blind.

Shoto: you wouldn't shot me with it.

Momo clicked the gun to show she was serious and shoto complied and cut ties with her and he went home and told his family about it but thing is the were to bust to do anything about it and they can't just run over there because of Izuku been gone Shoka was crying because she lost her lover Katsumi on the other hand was crying as well because she lost her lover as well.

Shoka: this is all your fault if it hadn't been me bullying him he would be my boyfriend right now.

Shoto: so now you blaming me for the shit you decided to do the moment he said that you could've went to him and accepted but no you and katsumi was dumb w to come to us and talk mess so you are in it just as we are.

Shoka was furious.

At least momo dump your ugly self and I bet she caught you cheating you little mutt

Endeavor: both of y'all shut up if Izuku tells them we what did we are in trouble.

Shoto: well it shouldn't of happen if you were there for him so if they somehow found out what we did we all taking this L like what's the worst thing that can happen?

Endeavor: our careers we would be poor.

Shoka: should've thought twice on neglecting Izuku.

Endeavor: my life can be destroyed by you 2 you know.

Shoto: he's not wrong momo showed me a video of what we said and that we took his arm away from him as well.

Endeavor: why didn't you get it from her so no one can know.

Shoto: well I've been trying to tell you that she had a gun and she probably gonna throw it away *suddenly remember she was wear gloves* dang it.

Endeavor: what we can send her to juvenile with her finger prints on there.

Shoto: that's the thing it wasn't on there she smart.

Whole family: what do you mean?

Shoto: she was wear gloves so technically her finger prints are not on there and it wasn't a bullet it was a quirkless bullet that can make us go quirkless.

Rei: can we sit down think that if she did shoot shoto with it I'm he would be quirkless we wouldn't abuse and neglect him like we did Izuku right?

Endeavor sat down and realized that if shoto was quirkless he would've been a bad father and now him and everyone was crying because they don't know what it's like to be quirkless.

Rei: we are bad people why is it that we neglected Izuku for something he couldn't control and we don't give a shit about him we should've been protecting him then abuse him.

Whole family: your right we are bad.

That's it for this side chapter this what happen when izuku left this is not really a full chapter this is the aftermath of what happen when they destroyed izukus arm.

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