Getting to know each other

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Tommy and Lily managed to get their way through various corridors before finding a way out. Fresh air is now caressing their face, mixed with the warm embrace of the sun. As they are now peacefully walking together, they can now discuss without any interruption.

« Have you got any brothers or sisters? » asks Lily. « Yeah. I've got two younger brothers. They both stayed in Dublin » replies Tommy. « They're not much into traveling like you are, aren't they? » she adds. « Not really. They enjoy the life in Dublin and not being far from our parents. The youngest, Patrick, is married though. His wife is pregnant with their first child » Tommy explains. « That's nice. You are soon going to be an uncle then » Lily says, smiling at him. « May I ask if you are married or if there is a woman waiting for you somewhere? » asks Lily. She knew this could be rude to ask, but she felt like she could discuss any topic with Tommy. « I'm not married » he begins to say. « I know I'm getting older, but I... Well, I'm not in a rush. Sounds weird ya know, but marriage never was a priority ». He looks kind of uncomfortable talking about this. « I always thought I'll marry a woman I feel something strong for. And I simply never met that person » he explains. « I'll deny having said this though » he adds, laughing.

Lily smiles. She understands that he's not into the « feelings » talk, so she appreciates the fact that he explained that to her. « That is totally understandable » she says. « How old are you? » she then asks. « I'm twenty-five. You? » replies Tommy. « Same. And in case you're afraid to ask, I'm not married either. I'm not into the marriage thing » she says. « Why not? » Tommy asks, pretty curious about that. « Well, as you know, I'm a working woman. I decided to dedicate my life to my career, along with my father. I don't want to get married because it's useless. A husband would never let his wife work instead of taking care of the children and waiting at home for his return everyday » she explains. Tommy laughs, he expected no less from such a woman. « Maybe ya'll meet someone different, some day » he says. She sighs. « Honestly? I doubt that. That is how the world works, Tommy. Men are working, women are taking care of the family and are spending their lives in the kitchen. No offense to those who agree with that, though. I'm sure plenty of women really enjoy that kind of life, but I'm simply not one of those » she adds.

They continue their way as the conversation is still going. Tommy seems now a bit embarrassed with the question that came up to his mind. However, he decides to take the risk and asks: « You don't talk much about your mother » he says. Lily turns to him. He was looking at her and she could see in his eyes that he kind of felt a bit worried to bring up that topic. « She died » Lily answers. « I was 18. She was very sick ». « I'm really sorry about that » replies Tommy. « I shouldn't have asked » he adds. « That's okay, Tommy. I don't mind talking about my mother » she says.

« My mother's name was Adeline. She was Belgian, she spoke French. She met my father during a visit in England with her family. My father, according to him, fell in love at first sight. He always says women in this family own this magic power » she explains, laughing at the irony of this speech, since she was not married. Tommy smiles adorably. He doesn't say it, but he's thinking about how right Thomas Andrews was about that.

Lily continues: « My father didn't speak a word of French. It's a very difficult language, actually. But he put all the effort and learned. After a few lessons, he decided to make the first move. Believe it or not, but he wrote her in love poem in French. He showed up to the family house and confessed his feelings » she explains, always amused when thinking about this sweet anecdote about her parents. « My grandfather wasn't very happy though. He thought the gesture was kind of rude and inappropriate. So, one day, my father stood in front of him and said: Sir, I am in love with your daughter. And with all due respect, I am going to marry her. I would do anything for her. And for your approval. My grandfather eventually felt how sincere my father was. So he accepted » she tells. 

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