Star Thief

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We come to the next day, with Starfire roaming the tower, looking for he sister. Still wearing the necklace.

"Sister?" Starfire calls out as she searches the halls, "Sister, I seek you companionship"

We then come to Cyborg and Beast Boy on the couch; they are playing a racing game on the window/screen, their respective expressions tell right away that cyborg is winning.

"You want to pass me, but you can't pass me. You can't pa-" he begins to mock, only to loose confidence as Beastboys car zips past him "You passed me!"

"Tighten the turn...jets...and nitro!" Beastboy cheers with a jump and mini victory dance.

"Tell me, have either of you seen Blackfire?" Starfire asks as she comes up behind the two.

"Blazin' B? She was here just a second ago." Beastboy claims before becoming disappointed at cyborg passing him.

"Aw, yeah! Back in the lead!" Cyborg cheers with a heartily laugh.

"What fun! May I join your game?" Starfire asks hopefully.

"Winner plays Blackfire." Cyborg comments.

"Yeah. She rules at this game." Beastboy stays, very clearly smitten.

"I see." Starfire claims walking away dejectedly.

Starfire starts to roam around the tower, coming to a door; she reaches over and knocks. It slides open a small amount and reveals Raven peering out

" sister in there?" Starfire asks as she tries to peek in.

"No" Raven states simply as she tries to close the door

"Oh...Might you wish to hang out with me? We could visit your favorite depressing café." Starfire asks optimistically.

"Already been. It was open mic and Blackfire wanted to share. Your sister's poetry is surprisingly dark." Raven states closing the door.

As she begins down the halls again she quickly checks into Dekus room and notice he is still in costume, sitting in the middle of his room with his typical lightning sparking around him.

"Um... friend Izuku, what are you doing?" Starfire ask's hesitantly.

"I'm meditating Star, my Danger Sense has been off lately." Izuku explains.

"Oh, Um... may I join and perhaps we can partake in the hanging out?" Starfire asks.

"Mabey in a bit, I wanna fix this first, I'd hate to get in a fight and have Danger Sense not work right." Izuku states is a slightly solemn tone.

"I see, we'll good luck then." Starfire accepts while walking off.

Starfire heads off down the hall and sighs heavily. Through the open door to the gym, the shadows of Blackfire and Robin can be seen on the wall, in rather... odd position.

"That's perfect, Robin." Blackfire states as their shadows get closer, "Hold me just like that, and..."

We then come to see that Blackfire had just thrown the boy wonder careening to the opposite side of the room.

"Learned that move from a Ven-Zo master on Tyrus Three." Blackfire states confidently.

"Hello, Robin... and... my sister. Am I interrupting?" Starfire ask's skeptically.

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