Settling In

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"So. What are your powers dude?" Cyborg questioned, getting excited to learn this guy's ability's.

"Ah! Ok." Izuku clears his throat before explaining.

"My power is called One For All." The Titans listen intently as his voice gained a sense of importance, power, mystery, and confidence. "It is a power that has been passed down through generations."

As he begins to speak the Titans feel as if they can see the OFA Star being passed from person to person. "One person takes the power, and adds their own to it, strengthening it further! Then they pass it to their successor, and they repeat that process! Not only does it add on their strengths but it also adds the ability's of the past users, while improving those powers as well!" The Titans were awestruck, a power that only gets stronger with time, and it adds the past users abilities?!

"No way." Beast boy states bewildered.

"Yes way!" Izuku responds, "This power was bestowed upon me like a sacred torch. It's entire existence is to defeat evil and protect others! I, am the ninth holder of this power! And I have been allowed by the past users to use their powers as well." To say the Titans were not on the edge of their seat would be an understatement.

"My first ability is simple One For All itself! This is the stockpiled strength and power of the past users mixed with my own! It's this power that also gives me that lightning you see arching off of me. This power grants me immeasurable strength and speed! I have noted that I can at least run at Mach 45 and over!" He exclaims with a proud smile.

"I can even punch with enough force to level a city. Although that is if I'm using the max amount of my strength." This final statement earned a confused look from the Titans, prompting Izuku to elaborate, "Rigth! I can only use mabey 20% of my strength safely. Any more than that and I can seriously cause some damage. Since most body's can't handle such impacts or damage I typically limit it to about 5 Mabey 10%"

"Oh! I get it! It's kinda like putting power into my arm cannon, the more I charge the deadlier and stronger the blast!" Cyborg explains.

"Precisely! Though the most I've had to use on someone is about 30% or so." Izuku exclaims, glad that they were so far following along.

"Now onto my next power!" This draws all attention back to him.

"My next ability is Blackwhip! It's those black energy based tentacles that come out of me! They can lift just about any weight, and they can a reach distance of about 150 or so meters. I use this power for movement, capturing or restraining things, and catching objects!" This got both raven an Beastboys attention. Seeing as that damage control and restraints was the responsibility that usually fell onto them.

"But in order to have control of them, I need to have control of my emotions. Otherwise I could loose control, then they'd go haywire and could cause serious damage."

"Next is Float! It's pretty self explanatory, it just removes gravity's hold on me and allows me to float in the air. If I use this in tandem with Blackwhip and OFA I can essentially fly." This piqued Starfire and Cyborgs interests, as usually they had to be the Titans backup form of movement.

"Next is Smokescreen! This ability allows me to release a large amount of non harmful smoke from my body! The smokes thickness and range is dependent on weather, as rain and wind can heavily effect how large or thick it is. The furthest I can disperse this smoke out in a single release is just about 1-2 city blocks around me." This intrigued Robin, seeing as he typically use smoke bombs to cover his or his team movements, or to distract an enemy. "Although i sadly can't see through my own smoke, so I have to be observant of my surroundings."

The Lost Hero (A MHA x Teen Titans crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें