Chapter 23

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"Play me like a game"

TW: Smut (Entire chapter again i'm sorry- 💀)

Aether's POV:

Everything happened so fast. As soon as i stepped inside the house, I immediately got pushed to the nearest wall, no way for me to escape Xiao's stubborn embrace. With worry i began to try and speak...

"Xiao... Wait- You didn't even put your backpack down and what if the others--" - A

I felt a pair of soft lips against mine, cutting me off immediately. The room was filled with only silence and i could have heard nothing else other than Xiao's and my slow breaths.

Soon slow but firm movements began to come from Xiao as he began to kiss me gently. As our lips separated, smacking sounds left them every single time.

Honestly, maybe we kissed somehow like this before but it was just different this time. It was like if he was sucking my soul out of my body through that kiss. I felt myself enjoying it more, and the more i enjoyed it, the weaker i felt.

Soon enough instead of only his lips moving, i felt as his tongue entered my mouth.

Now this is where things got quite funny and embarrassing from my end. It was MY thing to tease Xiao like this, NOT HIS.

I decided to "fight" back by placing my tongue right against his, trying to prevent his tongue from enter my mouth further. It became a game for both of us. He tried to enter my mouth while i tried to enter his.

"Angh!!~" - A

Our tongues slipped on top of eachother because of the force and Xiao ended up almost shoving his tongue down my throat. This course of action caused me to gag and push Xiao away from myself aggressively.

Xiao was resting his hand on his knee and his other wrist was infront of his lips, covering them while he was panting. I rested my back to the wall, trying to calm my breath down.

"Xiao! Stop!" - A

As i said that Xiao already calmed down and stood up straight.

"I warned you didn't i?" - X

"I don't care if you did or not. If you wanna do such thing then do it in one of our bedrooms not the house entrance! You don't want for any of the 5-1 to catch us right? Last time it was embarrassing too." - A

Xiao's eyes widened as the realization hit him in the face like a rock.

"Ah..." - X

He took off his backpack of his shoulder and threw it on the couch, quickly grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs, into my room, pushing me towards the bed. I ran out of balance so i half fell on my knees and half fell on the bed.

When i turned around i noticed Xiao's face close to mine, only an inch seperating it. I immediately gasped out of suprise and pulled back as much as i can.

Xiao was completely silent. He began to lift up my pant's legs above my knee and planted a soft and gentle kiss on my two knees. After that he made me stretch out my legs and he began to slip up my shirt half way up, leaned closer to my stomach and planted a soft kiss on it.

"Xiao, what are you-" - A

"Sorry for hurting you." - X

He said as he dragged his face back infront of mine, only an inch seperating us once again. As our eyes connected i felt like i was losing myself in them. He slowly slid his hand up to my face, holding it and soon i felt his lips against mine, closing my eyes immediately as he began his movements once again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, above his shoulder, as i began to follow the movements of his lips. Lewd smacking noises flew out from between us, as our lips seperated each time. Xiao began to pull away, my lips uncontrollably chasing after his. My chasing stopped as Xiao placed one of his index fingers on my lips, my eyes opening slowly. As i opened them i noticed how Xiao had his head bent to the side and his lips curled up slightly into a soft smile, his eyes half hidden by his own eyelids.

The 3rd || A Xiaother Fanfiction (AU) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now