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I sit up slightly and look at Bolin. His emerald eyes sparkling and a bit wet from the tears. 

"How'd you all find me?" I ask and they smile.

"Bolin told us." Asami says.

"How'd you know?" I ask and he smiles.

"I met this monk that said he could feel your presence at the make shift hospital. So I decided to tell everyone and we decided to try it out." Bolin says scratching his head.

"Cool, what was this monks name?" I ask and he thinks about it for a moment.

"Ummm, Aang I believe." Bolin says.

"That's not possible." Jinora says and we all look at her.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Cause Aang died years ago." Jinora says.

"Looks like the park really does have spirits." Bolin chuckles.

"What do you know about Iroh?" I ask and Jinora explains the whole history of prince Zuko, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph and more.

"Wow," I say and the others nod 

"We need to meet them." Mako says.

"How?" I ask.

"Well we have one of the best professional wrestlers, the sport of the century, we have one of the best owners of a thriving tech industry. As well as a huge influential volleyball player. I'm sure we could just ask.

"We also have a detective from the FBI. One of the best they've ever seen." Bolin says as he looks at me and I turn a little red.

"I'm sure you could ask to Meet Zuko and Katara but Toph, no one has seen her in years." Jinora says.

"Then we'll just have to find her." Bolin says.

"What's Toph's full name?" I ask recognizing the name from years ago.

"Toph Beifong." Jinora says and my eyes go wide.

"You know what this means right?" I ask and the group shakes their heads.

"What does this mean?" Asami asks.

"We're going back to college!" I yell and everyone looks at me confused.

"Why?" Mako asks.

"The criminology professor, their name is Lin Beifong." I say and Jinora smiles.

"I'm coming with you." Jinora says. The curtain opens and two kids, younger than Jinora and two adults older than us walk over. One looks like a monk as well.

"Dad, mom, Ikki, Meelo!" Jinora exclaims. 

"Is this your family?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Hi I'm Tenzin, this is my wife Pema." Tenzin says and Pema waves.

"You look oddly familiar, except that the guy I met was named Aang." Bolin says.

"That's not possible." Tenzin says.

"We know he's dead and all but-" Korra begins.

"Aang was my father." Tenzin says and the room goes quiet. 

"Then that means Katara is your mother?" Korra says.

"The greatest healer ever to live is your mother?" Asami asks.

"Yes," Tenzin says.

"Then we have to meet her," I say and Tenzin shakes his head.

"She lives in the southern tribes." Tenzin says.

"That's just a few plane trips away." I say as I smile.

"Well were not going anywhere for a while." Bolin says as he looks at my leg. 

"You guys go without me, I'll be fine." 

"No we do this together or not at all." Mako says and I smile softly.

"Can I get a moment alone with Bolin?" I ask the group and everyone nods.

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