Beginning to Chaos

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The room goes dark and there is a voice over the load speaker. 

"Guys, gals, and pals, welcome to the wrestling leagues opening tournament here at the Fort Bosco Arena in the Si Wang Province!" The man almost screams. The crowd erupts into chaos of screaming, cheering and chanting their favorite competitor. 

"So Varrick, who do you think is going to win?" I ask him looking at the stage full of buff intimidating men. I look at Bolin and he looks really nervous. His eyes are shifting around the room as if he doesn't know what to focus on. I stand up and tilt down my hood so no one can see my face but I notice Bolin stare directly at me. I seem him stare all tensed up for a little then he begins to breath and relax. I smile slightly and he smiles too. I realize he could see my smile and I sit back down and he looks around once more and nods his head. 

"I mean there are a lot of really great competitors out there, including Bolin, but to be honest I am a bit biased towards Bolin so I'd say he will win." Varrick says and I smile again. Varrick has a good read on these kind of things so I trust him completely. 

"I think he does have a strong chance but there are some still really great competitors so he must be on his A game tonight and tomorrow. " Zhu Li says as she leans back in her chair.

"You've gotten more relaxed from last time I saw you Zhu Li." I say and she smiles over at me. 

"I have," Zhu Li says as she smiles over to Varrick. He smiles back.

"What happened?" I ask and they both smile at me.

"Should we tell him?" Varrick asks and Zhu Li smiles and nods, "Zhu Li is pregnant."

"What!" I almost scream.

"Yeah, I'm excited but a bit nervous." Zhu Li says as she holds her stomach. 

"You two will be great parents" I say as the announcers voice comes over the speaker.

"First up will be Bolin of Future Industries versus Haka of the Tigerdillos!" He says and I smile at hearing Bolin's name first. I know Haka as an acquaintance. We had spoken a few times but that was all. He was very experienced and knew ring like he know the back of his hand. Bolin out powered him easily but he didn't know tactics as well. Since this was a special kind of tournament there were no placement rounds. If you lost you would face the losers of the other rounds and then that would decide your placement. Simply as that, if you lost you can't do better than where you're at. This also meant that the tournament would last all of today and all of tomorrow. 

"And Bolin wins the opening match. With the cumulative points totaling five to three. of many to come!" I hear the announcer say and I look over as quickly as I can and see Bolin holding Haka on the floor. I smile at the sight. I remember the early days watching him struggle to pin someone more experienced down on the floor back in college. The crowd erupts into a cheer as there is standing and applauding from every direction. I smile and I look over and see Bolin smiling and waving to everyone around him. I laugh at his child like enthusiasm as he begins to bounce as he waves around. This was his opening tournament so he is very excited. I smile once again with a small chuckle. I see him put up his arms and smile very loud. The crowd cheers louder. I smile and stand up to head to the bathroom. I leave the box and head downstairs. I go into the marble bathroom and close the door. Shortly afterwards I leave the stall and head to the sink

"I just wish (Y/N) was here." I hear Bolin say as he enters the bathroom.

"You'd be surprised, this is televised so you should get a text from them soon." I hear another guy say. I realized it was Varrick.

"Yeah I know, but still I wish they were here." As the two of them enter I put up my hood and begin to wash my hands.

"Hi," Bolin says and I nod trying to to say anything.

"How are you?" He asks and I put up a thumbs up.

"Bolin lets let the man be," Varrick says as he begins to wash his hands now too. I quickly dry my hands and rush out and back into the stadium. The day continues on with the games and then there is an announcement of an after party that night. 

"Hey Zhu Li, do you think this is the best time to tell Bolin?" I ask as we both arrive at the party. Varrcik had gone earlier so I decided to walk Zhu Li in. 

"I think it would be perfect, I'll set it up." Zhu Li says and I smile at her as I put up my hood with my tuxedo. I look around as we arrive and see Bolin there with Asami, Korra, and Mako who had arrived later in the day. I smiled as I saw them with Bolin in his, a bit too tight, tux. He looks around and spots the me. I smile a bit and he can't see my face but can see my smile, he waves awkwardly as he looks away. The music starts shortly after and people gather on the dance floor.

"I'll head over now." Zhu Li says. She walks over and begins to talk. I get a seat and look at my phone. Zhu Li comes over quickly with Bolin.

"Hi again," he says, "Zhu Li said you might want to dance, I just wanted to let you know I'm taken but I can dance as a friend." Bolin says and I nod. We head onto the dance floor.

"Hi," I say in the huskiest voice I can manage.

"You sound oddly familiar, do I know you?" He asks and I unveil the hood and smile. His jaw drops and then he smiles wide.

"I knew you'd come, but what about that important case?" He asks and I smile.

"I finished it a week ago." I say and he shakes his head.

"I love-" He begins to say when there is a thunderous boom. The building shakes and everyone goes quiet. The lights flicker, there in another boom and someone screams.

"Look out the window!" She yells and I see bombs going off. 

"We need to get out of here!" I yell and then suddenly feel a force against my chest and I'm knocked to the floor. I get kicked in the head and then another bomb goes off even closer and the lights shut off. I hear gunshots from within the room and more screaming.

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