is someone concerned about me?

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"You sure you don't want to have some right now?" Yuna asked "is someone concerned about me?" Austin says teasingly "no I'm just making sure that you'll be fine you know" Yuna told him "ok ok I'll have some coffee" Austin responded. Yuna continued working  another hour have past and she was more tired than before luckily it their shift has already ended. Austin offered Yuna to walk with him "but isn't you're house further from here?" Yuna asked "oh uhm no I decided to rent an apartment near the office so I could easily get here" Austin replied. Yuna agreed that she can walk with him. As they are walking Austin randomly asked what was her favorite flower "dandelions I love dandelions alot" Yuna simply said "why?" Austin asked "well I think that they are very pretty they also makes me feel relaxed well every flower makes me feel relaxed but it's just different when it's a dandelion" Yuna responded while giggling a little "oh alright" Austin replied. Yuna didn't really bother to ask Austin why he would ask that when they reached the apartment they were shocked to see that they were renting the same apartment " I guess we'll be neighbors now" Yuna said laughing "yeah I guess so" Austin said agreeing

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