I need a job

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There once lived a young woman named Yuna she is currently 21 years old and currently unemployed she is trying her best to find a job though, she moved out when she was 19 because her parents thought that it was better for her to live alone. She is currently living in a apartment but little did she know everything will change when she'll meet a young man named Austin. The shine is shining bright as the light pass through her window curtains she woke up 6:00 in the morning as she was brushing her teeth and washing her face the landlord told her that she needs to pay some rent with the money she saved thankfully it was the exact amount that she need to pay rent. As she was making breakfast she noticed that the sun is extra bright that day and she had an exact place in mind to go to. As she finished eating she decided to take a shower after that she went out to find a job again. She got all the requirements needed for the job and walked to the place. As she arrived she asked someone where was the office the interview will be casted on. As she was waiting for her turn she was getting nervous each and each time. When it was her turn she felt a little less nervous than before as she delivered what she needs to say perfectly the boss has decided to give her a job at the office he then says that she can start working tomorrow. As she walked out happily that she got the job.

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