Chapter 8

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"Why squeeze my face? That hurts you know?" Renna said as she complained naturally at him.

Renna wondered why she was complaining to this guy so naturally.

It's as if this was already a daily occurrence to her. She can't help but also think of other possibilities that this guy may be 'his' reincarnation.

But she didn't think of the possibility that this guy may have remembered 'his' past life.

"Little girl is your name Renna?" The guy suddenly asked as he looked at Renna with anticipation.

When Renna heard that, she suddenly become vigilant as to why this guy knew her name. No one but only her family in the Shrek Academy knew her, since she doesn't normally go out outside the school grounds which the villages that was surrounding the Academy.

And her family in there isn't the type of person that would boast here and there outside the academy unless they find someone unpleasant. Because that's the time they would show off something.

Like hell yeah, they're also a show off bastard when it comes to fighting an opponent.

And there isn't much to show off's Renna's name, since she only has that cutie pie face.

So it's a wonder to Renna why this guy asked her name.

It's natural to stay vigilant against someone you don't know, that know your name in this world (even in the real-life it's strange) , specially in this forest. There was only one purpose, which is assassination.

'But why though? It's not like I have enemies in my present time.' Renna thought as she stayed her vigilance.

This move suprised the guy which named Huang Daelan.

Huang Daelan was also a reincarnator who was close to Renna when he was still alive in their original world.

Daelan knew this vigilant style so well that his guess already hit the bullseye.

Daelan was filled with happiness that was already overflowing that he couldn't help but suddenly hug Renna tightly. As if afraid that one day she would suddenly disappear like in their last life.

'Why does this guy acting strange?' Renna thought when the guy suddenly hugged her.

She could feel the deep anxiousness, sadness, grief, pain, happiness and love within him. And it was directed to Renna.

Unknown to Renna, she also suddenly cried.

She cried and cried, until after Daelan broke the hug she still cried.

Renna suddenly have a vague guess, a guess that she find it hard to believe.

The familiar aura that the guy had, the unique closeness that she could feel only to 'that guy', appeared on him. The love that she could also feel and the familiarity Renna felt facing him.

So Renna decided to guess if he was 'that guy'.

"Yeah I am indeed Renna, why ask?" Renna said as she look at the guy's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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