Chapter 6

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Renna decided to go in the Star Dou Forest for hunting her first soul ring.

She thought that it's better growing up through pressure.

She just followed Tang San's way of growing up through pressure.

Because she thought that it was much more effective than growing up with resources and protection. Even though she also knew that it only a suicidal act if she where to follow Tang San's growth way.

Just like Qian Renxue, she could only beat Tang San if she where to follow his ways of growing powerful. Since her talent is much better than Tang San's.

(Qian Renxue growth way is through protection and resources, she only have enough fighting experience when she got the trials.)

Well Renna knows it herself that Tang San was forced to be put on pressure, because he needs the power to protect her love ones.

Renna admitted that she came to this forest recklessly, she indeed planned to practice in this forest but she doesn't wanna leave her Dad behind. So she left a letter behind for Flander to know what her plans is.

Flander may felt weird as to why Little Renna was doing this. But, Renna couldn't help it, because she doesn't want to change the whole course of the plot. She decided to leave temporarily, and she would only go back when the National Advanced Soul Master School Contest would begin.

So in conclusion she have 7 years to prepare the event.

And in that amount of time she needs to reach at least the Soul King lvl (50th lvl) for her to rival those 3 golden generation of the spirit hall.

Renna knew, Tang San will gonna win that fight. But he would also gonna be hurt badly. And she thinks that it's better not to show much skills. For the other party not to know much about how much power Tang San holds.


Renna reached the inner periphery of the forest but still did not meet any suitable soul beast for her. It's not like she didn't meet any soul beast, but those soul beast she met was low in age.

And also,the goddess said that she only have the capacity of 10 soul rings not 20 on it, like Tang San's twin martial soul.

In conclusion, her martial soul taked two forms in one soul.

She could hunt any soul beast, whether they vary from the type of her martial soul, as long as they are in suitable age.

Since her martial soul has it's own soul skills. It only needs a soul ring for activation, and it's powers would be depending on what age, of the soul ring Renna got.

It's much better to get an older age of soul ring than to a lower one.

So that, the power of the soul kills that the martial soul has would be strong or even stronger.



Suddenly, the air flow on the air changed.

As Renna noticed the changes, she changed her posture in a fighting stance.

Suddenly, a gush of black smoke appeared, and it covered Renna's detection and sight while at the same time the coverage of this gush of black smoke covered her whole body.

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