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A high pitched scream rang through the halls.

It was definitely Pepper.

Lightbulb wanted to giggle imagining the expression on her face, but she obviously couldn't, doing so would blow her cover.

Though, that scream woke Test Tube up pretty quickly, she jumped out of her bed as if she haven't slept at all.

"W-wha? Lightbulb, come on, let's go see what the jeebwheezers is going on." Pulling Lightbulb by the arm she walked out their room rubbing her eyes.

What they saw wasn't pretty.

Blood. Everywhere. Pepper was screaming and crying as she backed away from the thing that was in front of her door.

It was Salt's decapitated head. Test Tube had froze on the spot after seeing this, and Lightbulb pretended to not know what was going on.

"Test tube.... why did you wake me up?.. Whats out here anyway, it's as if the hotel burned d- wh..?!"

Lightbulb looked and put on a fake look of shock and terror, but then again, it wasn't ALL that fake. She did find it a lot more disturbing than she remembered.

"S-salt....?" Pepper was still in a state of denial and shock, as that was all she could feel and do when her best friends decapitated head was infront of her.

God, it looked creepy. Salt- no, her head to be exact, had blood shot eyes and was getting paler by the minute.

Then YinYang spoke, well, Yin to be more specific. "So... does this mean..  Suitcase and Knife also..."

What surprised her was that even Yang looked shocked and even a little scared. Now THATS new!


Test Tube gave a 'shut the hell up.' look towards them, "..Okay, everyone. Let's just calm down, we should alert OJ since he's probably still asleep after all the work he does. Maybe we could find who did it since there might be some evidence?"

Lightbulb's stomach dropped, they wont find out would they? Does she really need to kill off Test tube too? She hoped not.


"Yang! Stop being so insensitive! Someone just died a... a brutal death!"

Suddenly, the Cherries pat them on the shoulders. "Okay, calm down you two, this is not a good time to argue!" the right Cherry said.

At this point everyone was crowding the area, some were crying, some were  panicking.

Lightbulb was astonished at everyones faces. If only they found Suitcase and Knifes body before this, their reactions would be priceless!

Paper then stood in the middle, poor guy, he looked so stressed. "O-OKAY EVERYONE! Please calm down! I'll-I'll get OJ, e-everyone please go back to their rooms in pairs. We'll try to work this out alright?"

Paper slowly grabbed Salt's head, wincing when he felt how light it was, and brought it to an area where no one could see.

Everyone slowly left the scene, all still whispering and talking about it.

Test Tube patted Lightbulb's back, visibly shook up by what they just saw.

Lightbulb however, was perfectly fine. Great even! She enjoyed everyones reaction to Salt's dead body. The perfect crime, exactly what she was hoping for!

Now, she just needs to make up an excuse so she can wash the blood off her axe without seeming suspicious.

"Hey, 'Tube? Can I go take a shower real quick? Im all sweaty and stuff." She asked innocently.

"Y-yeah.. yeah, you go take a shower. I'm gonna go talk to Fan and Paintbrush, you can come with when your done?"

"Mhm! Sounds great! Thanks Test Tube!"

She ended the conversation with a smile. She didn't want to kill her friends. So she'll make them feel as safe as possible.

Waiting until she heard the audible click of the door, she quickly washed off her axe with bleach, and added a bit of Hydrogen Peroxide to the metal parts that were still stained.

She changed out of her pajamas into something more casual, tied on her scarf, and walked out of the room without a care.

"Knock knock? Can I talk to you guys? 'Tube said you all were in here." She knocked at the door to Fan and Paintbrush's room.

"Oh, Lightbulb? Yeah, come in." Fan said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Lightbulb opened the door and greeted her friends with a slightly apologetic smile.

"Sooo, what were you guys talking about? Was it about.. ehh, you know." She stated as she sat on the bed next to Paintbrush.

"Yeah, we were. Test Tube was telling us about how she heard OJ and Paper talking to the police a few minutes ago, so we're pretty sure we'll be fine for the time being." Paintbrush mumbled.

Lightbulb felt as if a weight came crashing down onto her. No way did she want that to happen.

She started asking about more details, wanting to know if the police would do an investigation.

"Uh, yeah they are. Their probably going to ask about our alibis and when we last saw Salt. Lightbulb, you doing okay?" Test Tube chimed.

"Yeah. Just peachy. Hey, you guys wouldn't ever do that, right?"

"What? Of course we wouldn't" Everyone except her cried out in different emotions.

"Yeah, alright, we all trust each other, so theres nothing to be worried about! Right?" Fan hinted in uncertainty.

"Yeah! Right."


Hshdjsjd how to write normal scenario help me

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm object ships jahshdshd

Uh so like we'll have another death soon so like yuh



What a Pain in the Axe.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora