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- inspiration behind this is me laying in bed suffering with my allergies - All allergies mentioned.. I have 🥲 -

You've spent the day around Tom & his new dog. Unfortunately you have allergies, many people say that you're allergic to life as you have a long list of allergies from food allergies like Gluten & Lactose to Dust, Animal fur & dander.
Tonight, you're struggling with your Animal fur & dander allergies from spending too much time cuddling Tom's new dog.

"Right" Harry says resting his hand on your knee "we should make a move, it's 8pm & we all have to be up at 6 for work" he adds as he stands up at the same time as Tom.
Harry & Tom hug whilst saying their goodbyes.

Harry turns to you and puts his hand out to pull you up from the sofa. He looks at your face and his jaw drops.
"Fucking hell! Are you alright?!" He asks in possibly the rudest tone with a disgusted look on his face.
You frown at his face as you take his hand to get up "Im fine.." you say in way to let him know he's offended you.
Harry's reaction brought Toms attention to your face. You now have both brothers starting at your face.

"I'm not trying to be a cunt, but you look a state babe" he says as his face changes from disgusted to worried. He lifts his hand to your face as he starts to look into your eyes. Tom being nosey gets a little closer but cringes and moves back again.
You sigh as your eyes start to burn. You lift your hands up and rub your eyes.

"Has your dog got fur? Or hair?" You ask Tom
"I don't know, I didn't think that was important" Tom says, very confused.
"Shit.. fuck I never thought of that" Harry mumbles.
You groan, continuing to rub your watering eyes as you feel your chest become tight & your nose start to run.
"Thought of what?" Tom says
"She's allergic to animal fur" he says as he takes a hair elastic from his wrist and ties your hair back.
"Oh fuck, do we need to go to hospital? Do I need to call an ambulance?" Tom says as he starts to panic and grabs his phone.

Seeing Tom panicked and rushing around makes you laugh. But as you laugh you start to wheeze and cough.
"No, just get me some antihistamine tablets" you say with a grin on your face "we should really get going though because I could start.." you sneeze violently interrupting yourself, you let out a sigh before speaking again "sneezing & that's the most annoying part of it all"
Tom nods and jogs off to the kitchen to grab you the tablets. He comes back within seconds with 2 packets of tissues & a strip of tablets.
"Take these with you & let me know what happens & if you need me at all" he says with a sympathetic look on his face.

The journey back home is full of you sneezing and groaning. Harry hasn't failed so far to keep saying "bless you" every time you sneeze.

You're now home, getting ready for bed.
You're In the bathroom & Harry is on the phone to his Dad, talking about some golf game they have coming up.
You use optrex to rinse your eyes of any allergens left over. Harry walks in behind you and cuddles you, kissing your shoulder as he speaks.

You can hear his dad ask how you are because he's just come off the phone with Tom.
"Yeah, she's just rinsing her eyes out with optrex" he says as he puts his dad on speaker and puts his phone down on the bathroom side in front of you. He then wraps his arms around your waist properly.

"Hi Mr.Holland" you say as you tilt your head back, resting it on Harry's shoulder as you let your eye bathe in the solution.
"Hi Y/n, how you feeling?" He asks
"I'm alright, I just need to learn to not touch my face after cuddling an animal with fur" you say with a little chuckle
"Did I ever tell you about the story about Africa & the bottle of optrex?" He says, you can tell by the tone of his voice no matter the answer you give.. he'll still tell you the story.
You smile as you answer "no, I don't think you did"

As Dom starts to tell you the story about how a fly went into his ear whilst the family where on holiday in Africa and how he & his wife panicked & Nikki poured a whole bottle of optrex into his ear to drown out the fly.. for the 10000th time this year.. You tilt your head forward over the sink and remove the eye bath before placing a cotton pad over your eye & doing the other eye.. resting your head back on Harry's shoulder again.

You & Harry laugh & gasp at the story when it's needed until the story is over.

"Right Dad, we're gonna head to bed. Got an early start tomorrow & I doubt we're gonna get any sleep tonight with all the sneezing Y/n has done so far" Harry says in a sarcastic tone as he kisses your temple.
"Alright Son, I'll see you soon. Night y/n!" Dom says in a cheery tone
"Good night Mr. Holland" you say before leaning forward and remove the eye bath from your eye.

Once Harry hangs up the phone he lets out a sigh as you stand up and fix your hair for the night.
"How you feeling princess?" He asks softly as he kisses your shoulder up to your ear, keeping eye contact with you in the mirror which is in front of you.
"Like I have had lemon juice squirted into both eyes & have a million tiny people stood on my chest & a throat full of razor blades" you say with a little smile,
Harry smiles at you in the mirror resting his head on your shoulder "but other than that, you're all good yeah?" He asks with a little a chuckle.
You laugh and nod before coughing. Harry sighs sympathetically at your cough and rubs the top of your back firmly.

You both get into bed. You start off by laying down cuddled into Harry but Harry's snores are too loud, so you move letting harry cuddle into you.. nope, no good, he's still snoring too loudly & your nose is running.. you move onto your back.. still nope.. you keep coughing.

You sit up with a sigh, you look over at Harry & he is sleeping peacefully. You look at him with so much jealousy. You think, how can he be so lucky to not have allergies like this?, how can he be so lucky that he only has to worry about his hay fever when the pollen count is high and why oh why dear god does he snore so loudly..

You sigh and run your hand through your hair.

You drink some water hoping that will ease your coughs.. nope the cold temperature of the water just makes you sneeze. You don't just do any sneeze.. no.. you do a loud, violent, bed jolting sneeze that shocks Harry awake.

"For fuck sake" Harry groans and grumbles holding his hands over his face "I was having a lovely dream just then" he says
"Well aren't you a lucky fucker.. I haven't had a wink of sleep yet.. I've been listening to the lovely tunes called Harry Hollands sodding snores" you say with a sigh

Harry humms in a way to tell you to shut up, he wraps his arms around your waist, forcing you to lay down and pulls you into his chest. "Stop being mean, you love my snores really" he says sleepily
"They're worse than Tessa's farts.." you mumble into his chest,
"I love you too y/n" Harry says with a chuckle as he kisses the top of your head
You roll over so Harry is spooning you from behind
"I do love you" you say softly as you hold his hand.
"And I do love you too" he responds, entwining your fingers together

Harry Holland Imagines vol.1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن