My best friends brother - part 2

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It's been a week since you were last at the Hollands. You had an unexpected trip to Germany with your University & had forgotten to tell Sam, until the last minute when you were out there.

Sam said he'd meet you at the airport, he said that you two can go get food and he'll drive you home. The only problem there is.. you don't trust Sam with a car. It's not that he can't drive, it's just that he shouldn't.

You're now walking through the doors and out into the area of the airport where you're meeting Sam. You can't see him so you give him a call.

"Hey, where are you? I can't see you?" You ask him as soon as he picks up

"Oh shit, I never told you.. I smashed my car up last night.. accidentally.. everyone's fine, well.. everyone except the car" he chuckles "erm, but Harry's there.. be nice to him, he's missed you like crazy and he has a huge crush on you" Sam says, by the tone of his voice you can tell that he's grinning

"Wait, what?.. Sam.." you say closing your eyes and holding your head with stress "you know I've had a crush on him since I was like 6.. why would you tell me that?" You say, trying to hold back the huge grin.

Sam laughs "I know, I ship it.. although he's been hella clingy about needy about you for the past week.. he thought you had just upped and left because you slept in his bed, in his top" he says

You sigh "right, we'll I'm gonna go find a bathroom to make myself look at least presentable before I go find the love of my life" you say with an eye roll

"Alright, love you lots! See you soon!" Sam says in a cheery way before hanging up

"Since you were six?" A voice says from behind you "that's a long time" they chuckle

You know instantly who it is by the chuckle.
"Harry" you say as you turn around and smile awkwardly "erm, I was gonna go freshen myself up before I saw you" you say as you hold your phone tightly.

"You look fine" he says with a small smile "let's go, there's chicken nuggets in the car waiting for you"

You gasp "you got maccies?" You ask as you grab your suitcase and start walking towards the car park.

The journey to your house was a little awkward, you knew that harry knew that you knew that harry had a crush on you and you knew that harry knew that you had a crush on him.
You both wanted to take a move but didn't know how and didn't want to scare each other.

Harry helped you up stairs with your bags and suitcases.

You're now unpacking your clothes & putting the dirty in your laundry basket. Harry is leant against your door frame.

Harry watches you closely, a little loving smile on his face. You look over at him regularly.

"Sam's been missing you a lot" Harry says breaking the awkward silence

"He's been nonstop blowing up my phone since I told him I was over there" you say with a little laugh "he said that there's a pub quiz tonight? Are you going?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna go, Leo's unwell.. he was gonna go too" Harry says as he changes his position

You nod, you want to say that you're gutted that Leo is unwell, but really you're not that gutted... you thought of Leo as a bit of a cockblock last time.

Harry walks up behind you and smirks wrapping his arms around your waist, cuddling you.
"Are you almost done?" He says softly
You can't help but blush, the feeling of his hands on you does wild things to your mind. You close your eyes, leaning back into him softly.

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