Chapter Thirty-Two: What Else Can I Do

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"You really know a lot about all of this," Harry really liked Krinos and was glad to have him as a friend.

"Well, other than just how I have always loved to read, I was born and raised in Greece," Krinos chuckled. "I was literally raised on this stuff. After all, what mundanes see as mythology is actually our history."

"Plus, it probably also helps that Olivia is a time mage, right," Harry chuckled.

Krinos nodded as he chuckled as well.

"You got that right, Harry," he said. "It also leads to a very interesting family photo album. Olivia once even took us to the opening of Disney Land in California back in the 1950s."

"At least you, Melody, and Olivia have your own little family to have those memories with," Harry softly smiled at Krinos.

"Yeah, I know," Krinos sighed. "And they're great and all... but..."

"But you still miss your parents," Harry understood what Krinos could not say. "That is something that I can understand more than others. It is always the biggest 'what if' about what would life would be like with our parents."

"As much as it is tempting, both Melody and myself know that it would not be right to use Olivia's powers to rescue our parents," Krinos says. "I am sure that Olivia has told you about how sacred the timeline is. Everything happens for a reason. That is what we learn as mystic souls. Plus, we also know that saving our parents would probably lead to some very unintended consequences."

"The Butterfly Effect, right," Harry guessed.

Krinos nodded. "Saving our parents would already cause one thing to happen. Our older brothers would not be sent to prison and who knows what damage they would do if they were allowed to just walk around and be free."

"I feel so bad for Olivia," Harry said. "With powers like hers, it must be so hard for her not to give in to try and change things to make them better, only to make them worse instead. Like getting rid of Hitler before he starts World War II or keeping the Titanic from sinking. Lots of things."

"The risk is just too big," Krinos says. "Let this be your first real lesson about being a mystic soul, Harry. Even with powers like ours, we are not gods and we can not just do whatever we want whenever we want. Our duty is to protect the innocent, protect each other, and protect magic. We can not just use our magic to do things like winning the lottery, torture innocent people to make them obey us, force people to fall in love with us, or anything else that is completely and horribly selfish."

Harry honestly felt really bad for Krinos, Melody, and Olivia. The three of them were obviously very noble, kind, and great people. So, to actually be able to do something about their parents and yet were not able to because it would lead to something worse happening. For something that they all desperately wanted to be so close and yet so far must have been torture for them. So, them being such great people even with that type of sorrow in their hearts really showed how amazing they all were.

"I will make sure to take each and every single one of your lessons to heart, Krinos," Harry tells him.

"Good," Krinos managed to smile at him. "Because I will not be holding back on the amount of knowledge that I will be shoving into that skull of yours, Harry. I know you are smart enough to handle everything I throw at you."

Harry chuckled at what Krinos was saying. He knew that Krinos was about half-joking and half-serious with what he was saying. He would be teaching him a lot, but he would still be doing it at a pace where he would still be able to learn rather than just forgetting everything that he had been taught after he would fall asleep that night. 

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