Terzo grabs some rope and ties him up next to the other prisoners.

'Where are they!' Vittoria yells, bursting through the door.

We step out of the way and she walks to the prisoners.

'What happened?' She asks Zoya. The lightbulbs flicker and the light comes back on. 'I had some guards fix the electrical box, the wires were cut.'

'They cut off the electricity and attacked us.' Zoya says. 'Apparently they know Xuan.'

'Where's everyone else?' She asks.

'The medical room,' Terzo replies.

'You seem to have this covered, I need to go see Adriano,' I say.

Vittoria turns to me and gives me a sympathetic smile.

I run out of the room and down a couple corridors. I go down a flight of stairs and reach the medical room.

I burst through the door and see Adriano laying in a bed with an IV drip coming out of him.

A doctor with blonde hair fluffy hair and round glasses is standing over his bed.

I see Alora talking to Amira whose in the bed next to Adriano's.

'You guys have doctors laying around?' I ask her.

'They live on this side of the house.' She replies. 'Vittoria makes sure they don't run their mouths about our activities.'

I walk over to Adriano's bed and look at the doctor's name tag.


I pull a chair to the side of Adriano's bed and hold onto his hand.

He's bandaged up and has plasters all over him. His bruises are still purple and look like they hurt.

'Ma'am, you need to let him rest.' Will says.

'I'm not leaving,' I reply calmly, not looking up at him.

'Only family members or significant others can stay here,' I look up at him.

'Are you any of those?' He asks.

'I'm....' I hesitate. 'His friend.'

'You need to leave ma'am,' he says turning around.

I sigh and go to get up but Adriano's hand tightens around mine. I look down at our intertwined hands in shock.

'I'm staying, and if you have a problem you can take it up with Vittoria.' I snap. I sit back down and caress Adriano's hand with my thumb.

Will shakes his head and moves on to examine Amira.

I fell around for my phone and realise I left it back in my bedroom.

My head hurts from the lack of sleep and my eyes droop. I try and keep myself from nodding off.

I fold my arm underneath my chin and rest it on the side of the bed.

I look at Adriano, he looks so peaceful when he's asleep.

My eyesight starts to blur and I rub my eyes. Maybe I'll have a nap for an hour at least. I lay down on the side of the bed and doze off.

'What's going to happen to them now?' A deep voice says.

It sounds familiar.


I sit up and rub my eyes. Adriano is sitting up and talking. He looks over at me and smiles softly.

'How was your nap pazza?' He asks stroking my hair.

'It was good, how are you?' I smile up at him.

'Better now you're awake,' he says softly.

'They've all been taken to headquarters including Xuan.' Lorenzo says. I look around and see that Amira's bed is closer to Adriano's and everyone is sitting around them.

There's also another bed and Zoya is on there sleeping.

Mimi and Alessandro are sitting together, their hands are close together but not touching.

'What happened to Xuan?' Adriano asks.

'One of the attackers recognised him.' Terzo says.

'It's funny how this happens after he's joined our mafia.' Alessandro says.

'Xuan's the new guy right?' I hear Mimi mumble to Alessandro.

'Yeah, he's the one that got recruited.' He replies, leaning into her so she can hear him.

I smile softly while looking at them, they look so cute.

'That's asshole,' Adriano snarls.

His hand tenses underneath mine and I rub my thumb across it to calm him.

'Your girlfriend here went crazy on him,' Terzo laughs.

Adriano looks at me with a proud smile.

'Damn right she did,' he says kissing my forehead.

I turn my face away from him, not letting him see the smile on my face.

HEY GUYS I'M BACK! I've read some of your comments and I just need to clear something up. Adriano and Alessandro are the only Giovanni's who are blood related. They are the only one's who are Vittoria's blood children. Alessandro is older than Adriano but Adriano is the heir, (this comes in later on in the story) Terzo, Zoya, Lorenzo, Alora are in the mafia but they say they are 'adopted' by Vittoria so the school doesn't ask any questions about their real parents. Mimi and Amira both dropped out of school.

I hope this cleared up any confusion and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Have a nice day!

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