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After we graduated, my girls and I decided it was time to go clubbing. We would meet up at Angel's house, get ready, and head out to Barcode. Julia would drive us and we would get there 30 minutes early so that we could pre-game before going in the club. We would wait in line feeling buzz by the time we went inside. 

Barcode at that time had three floors, one for 21 and up and the other for two us young adults. I remember at the time there were two big bird cages for the go go dancers. Sometimes if the dancers aren't in the cage, some people would go in there to dance. We were dancing and having a great time. Sometimes we would take breaks in between to cool off outside and go back inside to dance some more.

We were bumping and grinding each other like a bunch of sluts. We would get hit on and push those guys away from us. I mean we would had each other's back at the club. We weren't there for the boys, we were there to have fun. There was this one time we walk passed the bird cage and Julia suggested.

Julia said," Hey girls, we should go in there."

Angel and Jane didn't want to, but me on the other hand did.

I said," Sure love, I'll go in there with you."

Julia said," Yay!"

One of the employees was already there next to the bird cage to help us get up. Julia and I were twerking and dancing up on each other. You can see from below guys and girls were staring at us cheering and being jealous. I was having the time of my life. We were done, we went back down onto the dance floor. We were dancing some more until 2AM when they start kicking us out of the club.

Sometimes we take Jon's car or his cousin's car to go clubbing for the next few months. We wanted to have fun and make memories together. Then the fun was over and everyone went their separate ways to apply for colleges. I already decided that I wanted to go to Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts. I ask my dad to take me there since I still didn't have my driver license. 

When I arrived there, it was a 5 story big building. I was super excited to come here to learn as much as I can to become a chef. I have always been amazed with cooking. I would watch Chopped, Iron Chef, Rachel Ray, and baking shows. That's how much I look cooking. 

We walked inside the building and saw a few students wearing their white chef coats. We kept walking until we saw the sign that said Le Cordon Bleu. We walked inside and I saw the same chef from the career fair at my school. Lets call him Mr. Smith.

I said," Hello again."

Mr. Smith said," Oh Hi!" smiling.

He lead us to his office to talk about which program do I want and there was going to be a loan involved. 

I said," Well I don't have any credit to have an approval for a loan."

Mr. Smith said," That's okay. Your dad can be the co-signer for the loan."

I looked at my dad and said," Are you going to be okay with that Dad?"

My dad said," That's fine."

I love my dad. He has always been supportive and been there for me when I needed him. He signed all the paperwork and I notice the loan was standing at over $10,000. 

Mr. Smith said," You do have the options to pay it now per month or pay it after you graduated."

I said," I don't have a job but I'm not going to let my dad pay for it. I hope after this program I will find a job opportunity in this field."

Mr. Smith said," Of course. Well I think that's all we need. Thank you guys very much. I'll see you next month Loraine."

My dad and I said our goodbyes and went home. I told my girls  passed and it was time for me to start college. I chose the 9 months program instead of the 11 month program because it was going to be more expensive. My class didn't start until 9AM so I was getting ready for school again. I already picked up my bag of utensils and my white coat before school started so while getting ready I looked at myself in the mirror and my face was super bloated in the morning. 

I usually had either my dad or mom drop me off at school where I continued my culinary journey for the next 9 months. The class was filled with over 30 students that include young and old people together. Everyone in class was introducing themselves in class and getting to know one another. I was able to make an acquaintance with Katrina and Fabio. We were having a small conversations together. 

I said," So where are you guys from?"

Katrina said," I'm from Modesto."

Fabio said," I'm from the Folsom area."

I answered," Oh nice. I live here in Sacramento. Wait, Katrina which middle school did you go to in Modesto."

Katrina answered," I went to Roosevelt Middle School."

I was in shocked and said," I did too! I'm surprised we never crossed path with one another."

Katrina said," Really! What a small world Loraine. Crazy thing my boyfriend went there too."

I said," Wait! The one who picks  you up from school. What's his name again?"

She said," Oh his name is Leo."

I was more in shock and gasp," No way! I thought he looked familiar. We actually went to the same elementary and middle school together. He doesn't talk much but we were really good friends." laughing hysterically. 

Katrina said," Oh really?! Yeah Leo usually keeps to himself, but we've been dating since high school."

Fabio was just there listening to us, but us three became really good friends. Our class session would be a few hours a day and we will leave home. We would wait outside for our ride to pick us up, but I noticed Leo was walking towards Katrina. They would hug and kiss each other right next to me. I felt so grossed out and Katrina started talking to me.

Katrina said," Hey babe, Loraine went to the same middle school as us."

I said," Hey Leo. Long time no see..." waving at him. 

Leo looked at me and finally recognized me and said," Loraine, is that really you?" and smile at me.

I answered," I know. It's been a while. How you been?"

Leo said," I've been good."

Katrina would look at us but with sharp eyes glaring. 

Katrina said," Well I'll see you tomorrow Loraine."

I said," I'll see you tomorrow too."

Ever since that day, Katrina would be glued onto Leo. Don't get me wrong Leo was cute, tall, and Mexican. I've always had a crush on him when we were little. I would remember him wearing all black every single day at school, get bullied, and was very shy. During middle middle school, he even dated this tall emo girl that was taller than him but I didn't like her at all because she would treat him like shit. I'm not even making this up I swear.

I would see them fight all the time, break up, and he would date girls that were either emo, gothic, or skater girls. Those were his types I guess. I mean Katrina was gothic/emo and a bit on the bigger size. I could care less about their relationships. I kept my distance and never talk to Leo once after that. 

Classes went on, but I still try to be friendly with Katrina. Fabio and I were a lot more closer. I started having a small crush on him. Fabio was tall, Mexican, but was really girly. He would tell me he dated this girl and such, but of course I decided to remain friends instead. It's better that way and less complicated. 

- To be Continued in Part 10

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