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I vaguely remember what I did during the trip. So I'll try my best and input it in the story. Enjoy

The ride took over 10 hours to get to our hotel and by the time we arrive it was already getting dark.  We grab our things and went to our hotel room. A few months before the trip, we already had our assigned hotel rooms which it has to be a group of 6 people in one room.  So it was me, Jane, Angel, and three other girls name Trina, Carina, and Kim who we were sharing the same room with.  

Everyone went to their own shared room. We walked into our room and it was really nice. The walls were yellow if I remember. There was a lounge area with 2 couches in the living room area, 2 bathroom, and 3 beds. We were all excited for the trip and be surrounded by friends who we are going to have fun with. We all were discussing who sleeps with who. Angel and I shared a bed, Trina and Kim share the other bed, while Jane had the third bed to herself and Carina wanted to sleep on the couch. 

We had one hour to get ready for the Medieval Time event that came with the trip. I remember wearing a blue dress that had beads around the neck area and a pair of sandals. I forgot what my friends wore but they wore more comfy clothes than I did. I'm glad I brought a sweater because it was pretty windy and cold outside. We walked outside of the hotel to meet with the rest of the seniors and teachers.

We are were settling for a bit until until we have to go back on the bus. I was looking around and saw Dillan and Adrian together. I walk up to them, hug them, and chatted for a bit before we head back into the bus. We said our goodbyes and we on our way to see the Medieval Times. We arrived and walked into the stage. I thought it was only to be our school, but nope there were schools from all around the world that came down for this trip. I was amazed.

I saw some cute guys from different schools and of course didn't ask for their numbers. My girls and I sat down on the bench and notice a plate with utensils. I guess they are gonna serve us some food during the show. I saw four knights with horses coming out to show us some Medieval Times like a joust contest. A joust is a sport that takes place on horseback that involves lance, which are long like spears. 

All the knights were actually hot from my point of view especially the blue knight. He was skinny, tall and Asian. The show was going on for an hour. It was interesting seeing knights jousting around with their horses. After the show was done, it was time to eat. We had chicken, veggies, a drink, and some dessert afterwards. I was so hungry where I started eating like a pig.

After we were done eating, my girls and I went to the bathroom. Of course the line was long where we waited for a while until it our turn. We were done washing our hands and using the bathroom and walk back up to where we were seated. We had to wait until everyone was done eating and we had to go back on the bus.

We were heading to Disneyland, finally! The ride was only 5 minutes since it was across the street but our assigned teacher Mrs. Peter had to say something to us before we head out. 

Mrs. Peter said," You guys are not going to be supervise, but make sure to be back here by the parking lot area. You have to be here around 6AM. You do have the option to go back to your hotel room which is across the street."

Everyone yell," Yes!" 

Everyone were all excited and we all head out to the entrance. Jane, Angel, and I stayed together throughout the whole trip. We were walking more than going on rides. We bought a few things and met up with a few friends. We saw Dillan again and he decided to hang out with us girls. We walked together until we saw a few DJs in different areas playing different music and people were dancing. 

I said," Let's go check it out."

Jane said," Sure."

Angel said," Why not."

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