3. I'll miss you guys.

Start from the beginning

“But you guys aren’t there. I’m gonna miss you guys…” They hugged me tighter.

“We’re gonna miss you too, Babe.” Kayden said. Blake nodded.

“We’re gonna miss you a lot.” He said then looked up at Kayden. “We got you something.”

“We were going to give it to you for your birthday, but it’s better now.” I looked up at them.

“What is it?” Kayden smiled and pulled something out of his pocket.

“Close your eyes.” He said. I did as he said.

“Turn around.” Blake ordered. I gigged and did. After a second, I felt a small weight against my chest. “Open your eyes.” I did and looked down.  There was the cutest giraffe pendent around my neck, with two giraffes, a black one and a white one intertwined. Giraffes have always been my favorite animal and I’m obsessed with them.

I grinned and pounced on both of them, giving them huge hugs.

“Thank you so much! I love it!” The chuckled and hugged me back, sandwiching me again.

“Babybear.” Louis’ voice cut into our conversation. “We have to leave now, Harry Zayn and Liam are waiting for us at home.” I nodded and pulled away from my boys and went to my sisters, hugging each of them, then gave an awkward hug to my Mum.

“Be good for Louis okay Tyler.” I nodded.

“Okay Mum, bye.” I walked back to Kayden and Blake and gave them each one more hug, and got a kiss on the forehead and an I love you from each of them. I walked to Louis, whose arm was outstretched for me. He wrapped it around my shoulders and pressed a kiss to my hair.

Niall got into the front of Louis’ car and Louis opened the back door for me. I got in and looked out the window at my sisters and my best friends. They waved at me and I waved back, the tears still dripping down my cheeks. The last thing I saw before Louis pulled away was Blake wrapping an arm around Kayden and pulling them together.

“So Ty, how have you been? I haven’t seen you in forever.” I looked up at Niall and gave him a little smile.

"Nialler, it's been two months." I pointed out. 

"I still missed you though." He said. I gave a small laugh.

"I missed you too." I said. I've gotten to know the boys  very well over the last two years. I've become really good friends with them.

Harry is like my brother. Because he's so close to Lou, he feels the need to treat me like his baby sister. But, unlike Louis, he always teases me. We're always playful with eachother.

Zayn and I didn't really get along at first. His sister Doniya and I got into a fight (long story) the first day we met and I refused to talk to him. But I quickly realized that he's not like her, and neither are Waliyha or Safaa. So Zayn and I get along now.

Liam truly is Daddy Direction. He feels the need to Baby me, even though I'm only two years younger than him.

When Niall and I met, we instantly clicked. Just like Me and Blake did, just like Me and Kayden,   just like Kayden and Blake did. He's my other Best Friend. 

We drove in silence for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable. I leaned my head  against the window and closed my eyes. The car eventually stopped and I looked up.

"Are we there already?" My brother chuckled. 

"No, we're just stopping for gas." I nodded. 

"Where did Niall go?" 

"To get the gas. We made a bet on the way down here and he lost." I laughed then leaned my head back against the window.

"Of course he did. What was the bed?" I asked.

"Whether you would be awake or not." My brother said with a grin.

"Well that wasn't very smart." We sat in silence for a moment, and Louis turned back to me.

"Look Tyler, I know you probably think that I took you away from your friends and that I'm a horrible brother-"

"I don't think that, Lou. This is my fault. I shouldn't have let Ashley get to me. It's just... I'm really gonna miss them."

"It's only three hours away, BabyBear. They can come visit whenever and I can drive you up sometimes." I gave a sad laugh.

"That's what Blake said." Louis smiled.

"Well Blake is a very smart boy." I nodded and looked down. I felt Louis hand on my knee. "Hey, cheer up." I gave him the best smile I could manage. He took a deep breath, "She was going to send you to America you know."

"Mum? Why?"

"You were going to go to bording school. She had one picked out after your last fight in some desolite town somewhere in Mississippi or Missouri or something like that. When she called me and told me, I convinced her  to let you come stay with me and the boys, I didn't want you that far away, Ty. Three hours is bad enough." I looked at him, completly shocked.

"Wow... Thank you BooBear." He gave me a small smile.

"No problem. But now you have to be forever greatful of me, and worship me like your god. You know how people pledge allegience to the flag in the US? Yeah, you're going to be pledging allegience to me." I giggled and shook my head.

Thats my BooBear.

He's the best brother in the world.

A/N: So sorry about updating late, I was at my sisters all weekend. But, I really hope you like this chapter! So who wants to be my Jeremy of this story?

Jeremy: Just back away slowly. Don't fall into her trap.

Everyone: *Slowly backs away.*

Harry: ...... What's going on.

Oh Hazza!

Harry: Yeah Skylar?

Your gonna be my Jeremy of this story.

Harry: Erm... Okay.

Jeremy: No man, don't do it!

Okay Haz, *pulls out chainsaw.* NOW TELL THEM TO VOTE COMMENT AND MESSAGE.

Harry: Ahh! Please please please Vote Comment Message!

Louis: Hazza!

Jeremy: *Stops him* It's too late man. It's too late.

Harry: TT.TT This isn't fair I haven't even been in the story yet!

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