𝟚. ℝ𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕎𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤

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(Y/N) was coming back from work. She couldn't wait to saw her husband and son. Roger returned from Pink Floyd's tour only yesterday, but as a good father he promised to look after John. (Y/N) persuaded him to take a rest after stressful tour, but he didn't want to listen her advice.

Roger was upset, because he wanted spend more time with his wife and son. Maybe it seemed that he doesn't care about his family as much as other Pink Floyd members, but (Y/N) knew that it wasn't truth. Roger was really complicated soul: he had hard childhood, which made him careful in relations with other people. However he tried to be good husband and father. Although sometimes he had bad days when he was cool and rude to his wife, then fixed everything. For strangers he was distanced, but for the closest family was caring and nice. Although often he couldn't show his feelings pointedly, (Y/N) knew that he really cared.

When (Y/N) entered the house, she felt that something wasn't okay. She didn't hear anything except loud radio sound.

"Roger? Are you there?" she asked, trying to shout out radio.

Nobody replied, what concerned (Y/N). She walked to the living room to see Roger looking at the wall in their living room.

"Roger! Do you hear me? Where's Johnny?" He ignored her. "Roger!" (Y/N) repeated, but still stayed with no reply. She took a radio and turn down a volume.

"I'm listening. Turn up radio. " He even didn't look away from wall.

"I asked where's John." she said trying to stay calm. Roger was clearly in his bad mood, so she didn't want to annoy him. (Y/N) didn't want next argument. Especially considering that Roger has just come from tour.

"In his room. Can you give me radio back?" he mutterd with anger. (Y/N) gave him an item and went to the son's room.

"Mum!" John shouted, when he saw (Y/N) in the door. "I thought you'll never come back."

"Well, I had a lot of work today, but Don't worry, I'm finally there." (Y/N) said with big smile. He was so simliar to Roger. He had big blue-grey eyes and brown hair. Only diffrence was that Roger was over thirty years older. "And how was your day, Johnny?"

"It was great fun before dad got angry. First we came to the park. There was big playground with swings. Dad learnt me how to swing without any help. Next time I'll show you. Then we ate ice Cream. It was delicious. Dad bought me three flavours: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Mmm... I hope some day we'll go there again. When we were coming back to home, Young man asked dad for a signature on his Vinyl. I knew that dad is famous, but I've never thought the people want to have his signature. When we finally came back he turned on programie with fables. And suddenly phone rang dad went to answer. Then dad was yelling and swearing. You always told me, that it isn't nice to swear, is it? He had to be very angry. When in fable he heard that friends will always help you, he said it isn't true. I couldn't believe, because our teacher told us that friend ship is really important. He started to talking about something... I think it was Policeman or Piper of system and wall and told me to go to have some fun in my room. Now I'm sad, because I made dad angry. " John started crying and (Y/N) hugged him. She was worried about his Son story. (Y/N) wondered who made Roger so angry. Yesterday he seemed so relaxed. It was probably somebody from work.

"It's not your fault, darling" (Y/N) persuaded. "Dad is just tired because of his job. Lately he had a lot of work. He didn't wanted to make you feel upset. Maybe I'll go to talk with him and you'll draw him picture? What do you think about it?" (Y/N) tried to find a occupation for Johnny, when she will talk with husband.

"Yeah! I'm sure, he'll feel better, when I'll draw a picture for him. You're genius, mum!" He was nodding his little head.

"Okay, I'll call you, when everything will be right" (Y/N) kissed son forehead and went to the door.

(Y/N) slipped out the room, when her son went to the desk to find a piece of paper and crayons.

She knew that it won't be easy to convince Roger to change his mind, but she relized that's only way to keep her family together.


Thank you for reading <3


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