Chapter 10: Stars

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I finished getting dressed putting my casual working clothes on. After I went outside and waited for Scaramouche. He was probably paying or double checking he had everything. It was so quiet outside all you could hear was the wind. Unlucky for me I didn't have a watch but if I had to guess I'd say it was around 2 o'clock maybe 3. I started thinking about random shit, I didn't know what else to do, all I had were my thoughts. Eventually I hear the little bell the sauna entrance had and I turned my head to see the Harbinger walking out. 

"You took forever" I said bluntly. 

He simply rolled his eyes and started walking continuing our journey back to camp. I didn't bother making conversation with him, I was still pissed about him taking my clothes. Although what if he wasn't joking and he actually made me get out with no clothes on. I felt my checks heating up a bit and immediately thought of something else. Problem is I had nothing to think about...there we go just thought of something, my family. I wonder how they were doing, I hadn't written to them in some time but they hadn't written to me either. Before coming out to work for the Fatui I had lived in a small village with my parents. 

I'm an only child so whenever they weren't working they spent time with me. Either training or going outside just to have a nice walk. Over all they were nice, good parents. Until I was about 12 when they stopped really caring. Maybe something had happened but I have no clue all I know is they stopped showing attention, or care, or love. The only time we would really talk is at dinner and it wasn't a "Hi how was your day" type of conversation more of a "pass the salt" conversation. Which I guess you can't really consider a conversation. Anyways after they stopped caring I really put in all my efforts into my training trying to perfect the art of swordsmanship.Despite them you know giving up on parenting I still loved them. My thoughts were rudely interrupted by a screaming Harbinger

"Y/N GET YOUR GOD DAMN HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS!!" Scaramouche screamed. 

I didn't respond just looked up at him.

"Y/N what have I said about listening?" The harbinger said. The way he said it though I rather would have been screamed at, that was less scary. He started walking closer to me doing what I know call his signature move, him putting his hand firm on my neck/cheek area giving me no choice but to look straight at his eyes. 

"This is your last warning, next time I won't be so nice." he whispered then continued. 

I probably should be used to this by now but I'm not, I keep up with him so he won't get any madder than he already is. My attempts at sped walking don't match up with his pace and he keeps complaining. 

"Y/N you're taking too long, at this pace we won't get there until tomorrow." he said. 

"It's because you are practically running instead of walking." I said back to him, 

"No I'm not are you stupid?" He said clearly getting annoyed.

You know what fuck this I'm keeping my mouth shut, I don't wanna argue today. We keep walking me being behind him because of his ridiculously fast pace until he stops. He signals his hand to stop and I do. I very slowly and quietly walk up to him. 

"Why'd we stop?" I ask him. Was there an enemy? Maybe some travelers? I waited for his response until he spoke up. 

"There's nothing." he said then continued walking.

"WHAT WHY'D WE STOP THEN WE LOST TIME?!" I shouted to him since he was a good distance away.

He just didn't answer because why would he. After walking for a while I see how the sky changes from a bright blue, to a darker blue, to almost completely black. 

"Scara can we please take a break?" I asked him feeling as if I could just fall asleep where I stood. 

"Fine, we won't even make it back today. Also don't call me that." he said then sat down near me. 

"Stay here I'm going to get wood for a fire." He told me. 

I nodded and laid down on my back admiring the few stars I could see. Since we were in the woods once it was completely dark I'd be able to see more, but as of now I only saw a few. I kept admiring the sky and it turned completely black, all I could see were the little white specks.

I started getting a little worried when Scaramouche hadn't returned. It was pitch dark without a fire. My nerves increased when I heard movement coming from the forest. It's just an animal  I told myself. When I kept hearing the movement I sat up and looked around for any sign of what was moving. Then when I heard noise coming from behind me I turned my head and saw nothing. I sighed saying it was just my imagination acting up. I relaxed a little until I felt someone tap me. 

I screamed, until the person put their hand over my mouth shutting me up. 

"Jeez Y/N save your screaming for later." Scaramouche had said and uncovered my mouth. 

Oh thank god it was just him, wait what did he say. I brushed his comment off and helped him put the wood in the circle to make the fire. For whatever reason he had a lighter so that made our job easier. We sat around the fire casually chatting about our plan for tomorrow. The later it got the colder it got as well. I really wished I had a sweater. 

"Scara I'm cold, like really really cold." I told him, maybe he had a sweater. 

"First of all don't fucking call me that. Second what do you want me to do?" Scaramouche said.

"I'm not sure." I said my teeth starting to chatter a little due to the coldness. 

"Then don't ask me dumb shit." he said in a pissed off tone. 

"I'm sorry Scara." I said. Flip why'd I do that I thought to myself. Great I'm in deep shit now. 

He sighed and got closer to me pushing me down so he was on top of me. I started shaking his head. 

"Y/N didn't I tell you not to call me that?" He asked. I nodded my head hoping he wouldn't do anything, although I know that he was going to do something. 

He looked at me for a bit before going to my neck, the marks he had made a while ago were basically healed. Without warning he sucked his teeth in nibbling my neck.  Whenever I tried moving away he simply put more force on top of him. He made about 4 marks before stopping. He didn't get up from being on top of me however, he simply stayed there. 

"Are you still cold?" He asked.

During that whole little session I had forgotten about the coldness, but once he was far away from me I felt it. 

"Yeah I am." I told him. He didn't say anything, instead he laid down and brought me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me. His hands were making an up and down motion to warm me up. I could hear his heartbeat, it was fast, just like mine. Im so happy it was dark otherwise he would have been able to see how red my face was. Despite my face being a tomato I was comfortable, the way his arms were wrapped around me and his heartbeat, it was all so calming. I found myself drifting off the sleep. 

((hey guys whats up? its been a while im terribly sorry for not updating in over two months. im going to be trying my best to have a somewhat consistent upload schedule moving forward. its just been a little tiring i couldn't really think of what to write and ive been busy due to testing. besides that i hope everyone is having a good day!! make sure to drink some water, get some rest, and eat a little. love you all and i will be seeing you guys again saturday maybe earlier. bye bye !!). 

My Mistake || Scaramouche x Y/NDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora