"Niki-san, you're handsome and kind. I think that Sunoo might've liked you back."

"Yeah, he may had a crush on me too. I would have asked him out and he'd accept. We would've been a cute couple and I might've stopped drinking for his sake. We would eat cherries on picnic dates that Sunoo hung likes and may have an occasional fight here and there like in movies."

"Noone was ever so interested in me like you sound to be to Sunoo." well, it hurt listening to his boyfriend babbling about his old crush.

"Sucks to be you Heeseungie, huh?" Ni-ki felt like the worst person for being like that to his most loved one but he should have some more fun.

"Yeah, low-key." Heeseung is sulking now.

"I wish you weren't like that so it would be harder to love you."

"So you like me in an 'in love' sense? Like really...? In a romantic way?"

"You are so stupid and weird for assuming this after all these days." Ni-ki said sarcastically as he really felt like laughing with Heeseung's foolishness. "I don't fucking 'like you in an in love sense' Heeseung. I want you. I love you."

"Oh-" this feeling of reassurance that floated in him once Ni-ki confessed his feelings every time is the best.

"I don't know if you genuinely ask this question or you are being like this for real. Only an idiot couldn't know that I'm madly in love with you."

Heeseung just snuggled on the other's chest. "I love you more, Niki-ssi." he paused just to lock his eyes with the others.

"You sound like a straight girl, wow."

"Honestly I don't know if I can live without knowing that you'll stay by my side. I need you. I really love you."

The younger just grinned satisfied. "You still sound like a straight girl, bambi." He lowered his head and parted his lips. All he wanted now is his lovely Heeseung. "Can I kiss you?"

"No need to ask, fairy."


Everything that Heeseung did or said was pure magic. His gentle voice and his calm words always took a tool on the younger. It's like Heeseung had a spell that could enchant him immediately.

"I wish it could be like that forever..." Ni-ki whispered melancholically once their lips were apart again.

"What do you mean, Niki-san?"

"Nothing bambi, don't tire your pretty head with these nonsense..." the younger tried to reassure Heeseung but the latter was clearly intrigued with his sayings.

The moon was already high on the sky and the soft cold late August breeze made both of them shiver. "It's a really nice night, isn't it?" Ni-ki tried to shift the conversation on another topic. He softly placed his hand on the older's chest.

"Yeah, it's quite cold though." Heeseung admitted. His eyes fixated on the poorly illuminated hand that had round red ring, not too shiny nor distinctive but the crimson stone was still visible. "That's such a nice ring, fairy." he commented.

"Ow thank you, Heeseungie." he paused once a thought came in his head. "Do you want this?"

"Why?" the older sounded really surprised.

"It'd look better on you." it would be better for Heeseung to have something from the younger before he leaves.

"No, you have nice slimy fingers not like me." Heeseung said and caressed the other's palm with the tips of his own fingers.

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