the gc

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stiles has created furries -

- stiles has added scott, lydia, allison, derek, jackson, isaac, mason, theo, liam, corey, kira, ethan, aiden, malia-

stiles > guess who was the only 1 smart enough to make a gc 4 us??

scott > was it u?

stiles > yes omg! how did u guess??

scott > maybe

scott > just maybe

scott > its bc it says "stiles has created 'furries'"

stiles > no way thats cray z

theo > wow i almost forgot how much i didn't miss you guys

liam > why is he here again?

mason > hey guys!

allison > yeah, hey 

jackson > arent u dead

allison > shut up :)

jackson > right 

kira > oh, hi everyone 

derek > why?

stiles > wdym why?

derek > why am i here?

stiles > ur a furry, r u not?

derek > stiles

derek > how do i leave

stiles > hahahah >:)

lydia > if we just ignore the blatant flirting for a second.

lydia > it's good to hear from you all.

aiden > you too, mi'lady ;)

ethan > omg die

stiles > u see thats funny bc 

scott > shut up stiles 

aiden > shut up stiles

derek > shut up stiles

lydia > shut up stiles.

malia > ssht up stles

malia > i hta e jpones

stiles > imagine

stiles > im quite a high-tech person myself

stiles > but none of u FURRIES would understand

mason > im no furry 

lydia > banshee.

corey > well technically chameleons arent furry

stiles > bla bla bla didnt ask

corey > sorry

aiden > anyways, lydia...

ethan > youre embarassing me stfu

ethan > i formally apologise for my str*ight brother

mason > ew, that's disguisting.

allison > i just don't agree with that lifestyle

lydia > i respect it, just don't agree with it.

stiles > i dont even respect it tbh

jackson > i think i threw up a little 

aiden > ok are we done

ethan > no

theo > this is straightphobic

allison > good lol

allison > also youre not straight so idk what youre on about 

theo > what? yes i am

theo > i literally am

theo > im straight

mason > ew

theo > piss off mason

isaac > haha

isaac > piss

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