Going back home

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Bose's POV

After my last training day I was free to go home. Ray said he was going to go on the news with the rest of danger force to announce that I'll start fighting next week. I get this week to get used to living life again and spend some time with my family. I get home, open the front door, and see my parents sitting on the couch facing the tv. But I see some little boy in between them so now I'm extra confused.

"Mom, StepDad?" I say.

They turn around in complete shock, my mom comes up to me with a blank face. When I think she's going to hug me she slaps me in my face, now I'm even more confused then earlier.

"What the heck mom!" I say.

"You don't deserve to call me mother anymore! You ran away for 1 year and a half and you expect us to welcome you back with welcome arms! After the 6 months of searching I just gave up and lost all hope in finding you. I don't understand why you ran away, we take care of you and are always there for y-"

"ALWAYS THERE FOR ME! You two have never been there for me. You are always away with stepdad on vacations and leave me here to fend for myself. I go missing and you stop searching after 6 MONTHS! And who's that kid on the couch?" I say.

"Bose this is our new son Bryce, after we went on the 6 month search we wanted to move on from you so we got little Bryce here!" Stepdad said.

"You replaced me?" I asked.

"Yes we did, you left so we stopped caring about yo-" mom said.

"You never cared about me!" I say.

"Whatever you're turning 18 in 6 months so until then you can stay in the guest room but once you turn 18 you're out of here!" Mom said.

"WHAT! What do you mean the guest room I have a bedroom and you can't kick me out." I say.

"We threw all your stuff into the guest room and redid your room to be Bryce's new room. Also we can do whatever we want because if you're not out on your birthday we'll have security guards here to get you out!" Stepdad said.

I storm to the guest room, slam the door, and I see my stuff thrown all over the bed. I can't believe this, I've been gone for 1 year and a half and my family still doesn't care about me. I have six months to find a place to stay, this is ridiculous! I decided to call Mika and tell her the news.....

"Mika!" I say.

"Hey Bose!" She says.

"I got some more crappy news." I say.

"Aww what happened honey?" She asked.

"I get back home expecting a warm welcome from my parents but instead I get replaced by another kid and told to be out on my 18th birthday!" I say.

Mika's POV

"Oh my god Bose that's awful! Do you want to come over and talk about it I know being in that house is a lot for you right now." I say.

"Yea I'll be over in 10." Bose says.

Bose hangs up looking extremely heartbroken. I can't imagine what he's going through right now like I know his parents weren't always the greatest people but this is just a cruel thing to do to their own son. I have to think of something so Bose isn't kicked onto the streets on his 18th birthday. Bose crawls through my window with a small bag of stuff.

"Hey Butterfly." He says.

"Hey Bubba." I say.

I walk up to him, engulfing him into a hug, he hugs back and we stay in that position for a while just listening to each other breathe and hearing each other's heart beating. Honestly quiet moments like this have become my favorite thing to do with Bose. After 5 mins of silent contentment, Bose asked me something....

"What am I gonna do?" He asks.

"I have an idea....I was thinking my 18th birthday is in 2 months and I've been saving up to move into my own apartment. Maybe when I move out you can move in with me?" I say.

Bose's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas....

"Really! Mika-bear you know you don't have to right?" He says.

"I know....but I want you to move in with me. I lost you for a whole year honey then the next 6 months I was more of a trainer and support system rather than your girlfriend. We need this apartment for us to finally get the time and privacy we deserve." I explained.

"I understand Mika and I fully agree....I would love to move in with you." He says.

I smile up at him and he pecks my lips. We decided to cuddle and binge all the dog bachelor he missed.

"I can't wait to see how much I missed, are they on a new season now?" He asked.

"Yes, Season 2 is almost over and I hope they get renewed for a Season 3!" I say.

"Wow I really did miss a lot, I'm going to get some snacks from downstairs." He says.

"Ooh can you get m-" I was cut off by Bose saying...

"Frittles, Tube of Pudding, and Lemonade....I know babe I was going to bring you that without you even asking." He says leaving my room.

I laugh at the confidence in my adorable boyfriend. That boy knows me like the back of his hand and same goes for me. We know everything about each other even after a 1 and half separated physically for the year and emotionally for the 6 months. I get the TV set up, change into my comfiest pajamas, and got the comfiest blanket in my closet. After I did all of that Bose walked in with a tray of food and snacks.

"Sorry I took so long, first I changed into some PJ's, then when I went downstairs I ran into your mom, she gave me the biggest hug, tonight's dinner and a bunch more snacks." He explains.

"My mom is the best!" I say.

"She really is!" He says.

After getting comfortable on the bed with me laying onto his chest and him lying against the headboard we finally started the dog bachelor marathon. I truly hope I help Bose have a great night so he can forget about his crappy family..........and looking at the bright smile on my Bosey's face I think this marathon might do the trick.

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