Video Calls and Hearts Broken

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Mika's POV

I can't believe this is happening....I'm tied down to a chair in the middle of some empty garage. I don't know how I got here or who bought me here, all I can remember is being knocked out and waking up tied to this chair. Just as my curiosity continues to wonder I hear a door open, and I see someone I thought I'd never see again.....Glerp.

"Glerp? What are you doing here? And why am I tied to this chair?" I ask.

"Oh you puny human, you thought you could steal Bose from me and not suffer the consequences! Me and Bose were happy then you convinced me to leave, thinking I was helping Bose I did! But I was just forced to leave my true love here so you could have him. I have been checking in on him ever since I left and I was sad to see him crying in your arms but all of a sudden you say your manipulative words and boom you two are kissing! Your manipulation worked on me and now it worked on Bose, and I won't let you Manipulate us anymore!" Glerp exclaimed.

Manipulation??? Glerp is one of the smartest species on planet could she think something so stupid! She's so delusional that she's thinks Bose can't truly love someone other than her.

"I didn't manipulate anyone....Bose truly loves me!" I say.

"Whatever Meeka."

"It's Mika!" I say.

"Whatever. It won't matter what your name is if you don't do as I say." Glerp says.

"What do you want from me?"

"You need to call Bose and................break up with him." Glerp says.

WHAT! There's no way I'm going to break up with Bose!

"Yea right."

"If you don't break up with Bose then you'll suffer a slow death."

"What do you mea-"

I'm cut of by her kicking my chair across the room then hitting a red button on the wall. The floor disappeared around me only enough space to hold me and my chair. Glerp isn't affected since she can float but I look down at my dangling feet and see red, hot, bubbling lava that I'm all too familiar with. I flashback to that as just seeing it filled me with fear.


"MIKA you need to jump now!" Chapa Screams.

"I can't, I'm so scared." I cry out.

"Mika, honey I need you to jump for me ok? You need to trust me." Bose says.

"Ok I trust you!" Mika states.




I jump.

End of Flashback

I immediately start to freak out thinking about the trauma we received from that mission.

"NO, Please I want to live!" I beg.

"Then break up with Bose."

"If I break up with Bose will you let me go and leave us alone?" I ask.

"Of course I have fellow alien friends checking in here and there but I will leave you alone."

But I promised...


"Can you just promise me that no matter what we won't break each other's hearts and we'll stay together through thick and thin?" Bose asked.

Super Couple? Or SuperHeroes?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat