"Yeah...I just need you to get in the tent and zip it up so that I can do something. No peeking!"

I eagerly scramble into the tent, then I zip it up again. Aera shuffles around outside for a bit. After five minutes, his head emerges through the tent flap, his eyes glowing with excitement.

"Come," he says, gently taking my hand and gently running over it with his thumb. 

My skin tingles at his touch, as if a magnet has suddenly been turned on, and I feel myself feeling dazed and lovesick in his presence. I gasp in surprise and astonishment as I emerge from the tent, Aera has put little sparkling hearts in the trees and has lain out a sky-blue carpet. Little heart shaped lanterns line the outside of the tent, glowing.

A little picnic table is set up, with watermelon and chocolate cake.

"How did you do this so quickly?" I ask.

"The god of love does have a little control over Valentine's Day decorations," he replies.

"Valentine's Day?"

"Yes. It's Valentine's Day today."

"What is it?"

"It's a mortal occasion, probably not celebrated in Panem, that gives people the occasion to be with their loved ones and celebrate love."

"Oh, I see." I reply.

We sit on the plush carpet, quite close together, facing each other.

"I know that love is an empty and overused word for such a powerful and heartfelt meaning, but I have to say, Helena, I love you."

"What do you mean?!" I say, happy and surprised at the same time.

"This." he replies shortly, leaning closer to me.

I lean in slightly, feeling giddy and nervous in my stomach. I have never kissed someone in my life, I don't know how to!

Our faces are mere centimetres away, my eyelids closing softly, and his hand reaching for the back of my head. He strokes it gently, his touch again making me feel ecstatic.

The connection between us is growing, his hands going over the back of my neck. We are merely millimetres apart. Our lips part. The it all happens at once.

When his lips touch mine, my heart skips a few beats. My brain seems to explode and my heart pounds, my head spinning with giddiness. 

The kiss lasts for about ten seconds when Aera breaks away. I move a tad closer to him.

"Wow." I say breathlessly.

"First kiss?" He asks.


He lies down and sighs, staring up at the glistening stars. I lie next to him, resting my head on his chest. he strokes my hair.

Chapter 27

When I wake up, I'm inside the tent, with a blanket over me and a plate of bacon and eggs next to me.

"I got us some breakfast from the Dining Pavilion," Aera explains.

He walks over to me and kisses me softly.

I sit up on my mattress, breathing in the heavenly scent of freshly mown grass. My friend's mum back home, Hermione Granger, loves the smell too. Aera hands me my food, and I take in the wonderful taste.

When I finish, Aera takes my plate and holds my hand.

"Today is your test, to see if you can come on the quest with me," he points out. "I want you to try your absolute hardest. I know that you couldn't have possibly become an overnight ninja, but you have to talent to impress Chiron. Find some sort of motivation."

I nod. My motivation is easy; if I get in, I get to spend weeks alone with Aera, plus, it might pass the time before I can go back to my parents.

He extends his arms, and I leap into them, because I am nervous of what the day will bring.

All of a sudden, a loud horn blows, but not like a wake up call, but more like a signal. Campers run scared out of their cabins and I grip Aera's forearm, confused as to what it means.

"The warning horn..." Aera mutters.

Chiron gallops towards us, and stops at the opening of our tent.

"It's not the giant. It's an unknown vehicle with people in white suits aboard. They're firing at the big house." he informs us.

Peacekeepers, I think.

"Why?" Aera intervenes.

"They said something about Helena." Chiron replies. He turns his attentions to me. "Helena, have you heard of these people? Are they from your time?"

"Yes." I reply. "They're after me. I have to go..."

"I'll come with you!" Aera volunteers.

"I don't want you to have to get into this mess," I tell him sadly.

"You can't just leave me like this!" he shouts, tears rolling down his cheeks like a boulder down a hill.

"Aera. I don't want you to suffer the way my people do!" I yell back frustratedly.

"Helena, I've battled the most cruel people, slain dragons and seen people murdered in front of my very eyes. You think I can't adjust to a gruesome society?"

"In my world, children murder each other, for food and money, because the rest of the population is starving to death. The Capitol then watches the children become depressed, and kills more innocent children. What's worst is that it's annual and has mandatory viewing!" I snap back.

"I'm sorry for that, Helena. But I'm coming. No matter what!"

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