you know who I am.

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TW : Mentions of slight anxiety and fright, Kidnapping, Missing People, Slight cursing, Minor mention of being drunk or under the influence, Experiments.



Anne wasn't one to venture out in the night, she usually liked to go out during the day. It felt warm and safe-er. She definitely was not having a fun time and she was sure sweat formed on her neck.

Goosebumps could be seen against her skin, her hands clasped against her arms whilst cursing at herself for not bringing a jacket.

Finally she reached the corner. A dim light could be seen from a small building, Anne made her way towards the building.

She entered the small corner store and felt relief rush through her body, she stopped in place as soon as the doors closed behind her and let out a minor sigh.

"Ah Anne! Your usually not here this late...what's the occasion?" The store lady said, whilst setting down her phone.

"Just needed to get a comfort food, all this stuff going on in the town really is getting me stressed out." Anne blurted out in comfort, and as soon as she finished her line she started to walk around the store.

"Reeces...Hersheys...Gummy worms...Milky ways..." Anne skimmed the candy section, and not having a choice in her mind yet she moved on to the drinks.

She quickly grabbed a sparkling water from the section and then grabbed a bag of chips. Then finally went back to the candy section, finally having a choice she grabbed it and walked over the counter.

She watched as the store lady scanned the items with a swift movement, Anne quickly grabbed her wallet and paid her. Thanking her, she made her way out of the store.

The goosebumps crawled their way back onto her skin, but felt a little more serious this time. Her heart started beating loudly and she felt as if she would throw up. She was scared, but nothing had alerted her yet.

Quickly, Anne opened her sparkling water and took a sip to ease herself.

Turning her head; Anne realized she probably had just felt scared cause of how she had to walk through a dark alley. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, she started to fast walk through the alley.

"Ehem." A voice said, Lightly and freely. 

But Anne stopped in her place, fear and terror boiled up inside her and she was sure she was going to throw up this time. Too scared to speak...Even dropping her bag of snacks, Anne stood still like a coward.

(To stop you here, if anyone has a fear of experimentation this part of the story includes it. you are warned <3)

"Hello Anne." The mystery person said, only making Anne want to run as fast as she could but she couldn't...she just stood still.

And she swore she could hear the slight noise of a smirk being made and it made her know she was not dealing with someone who was good.

"H-how do you know my name.." Anne stuttered out, surprised she could even get anything out. She knew that this person was having fun with this, and yet she let it happen. 

Constantly she replayed in her mind, "You could be away by now, just run, you coward, RUN."

But her feet only shivered not because they were cold.

"How bold of you to know who I am." They said, slowly approaching Anne.

Anne gulped...she let her thoughts run through everyone she knew until her eyes opened in shock.

MARCANNE |♡| ONESHOTSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora