7.Echoes of The Past

Start from the beginning

King:"I remember plenty! I remember my subjects, large feast, and I remember falling down a hole with some weird light I was reaching out to. One day I'll return to my rightful place, and all shall fear me!"

Luz:"yes you will" I said cuddling him close to me.

Y/N:"sorry buddy, but your just to adorable!" I said patting his head.

King:"I'll show! I can prove it!" I said leaving the room.

Luz:"look guys we have to be supportive of king and show him that we really care for him"

Lilith:"hey Y/N, you have a really good sense of smell, can you tell if King is being honest?"

Y/N:"to tell you the truth, even I have trouble deciding. He could be telling the truth or he could just be telling us what he think he knows is true"

King:I quickly return with both Lilith's and Eda's staffs."you all will regret ever doubting me, because we're goin to my castle!"

Luz;"huh?" I said in shock.

Y/N:"what, for real?!"

Hooty:"what's wrong Luz? Don't you want to go alo-"

Luz:"go with him! Of course!" I said cutting Hooty off and grabbing Eda's staff.

Lilith:"my historical expertise are being questioned and I will not allow it" I said getting my staff. "Hooty, would you like to accompany us?"

Hooty:"really?! Ok!"

Y/N:Hooty said in excitement. "But how are you even-" I was cut off with Hooty bringing over a bird house thing with straps as he went inside the large hole, he got his other side out of the door as he was fully in the little bird house. "Porta-Hooty, reporting for Hooty!"

Y/N:we were all uneasy after what we just saw. I turned around and held both my hands over my mouth as I felt like throwing up, my eyes even started to water."oh my god" I said crouching on my knees and taking very heavy breaths. "I'm gonna go to the kitchen for some water and then I'm gonna go out by the back door" I said while wiping my watery eyes.

Luz:"me too!" I said following behind him.


Y/N:I ride with Lilith on her staff as we all make our way King's original home as direct us there. "How much further?! We're pretty far from the Boiling isles and I'm getting a strange scent from these seas!"

King:"well don't worry anymore, because we're here!" I said pointing at a distance.

Y/N:we get through the fog and as our path is clear, I see a large island in the distance."no way! Lilith, do you recognize this land?"

Lilith:"no, this isn't even on any of the maps back at the palace" I said as I stared in amazement at the island.

Luz:"this looks amazing and huge" I said as I hoped off Owlbert.

Y/N:we start walking into the forest through the humongous trees and plants around us, I sniff around I don't find any creatures or people living around here.

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