Rant #4

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1. What frustrates me more than anything in the entire world is that there isn't a single good picture of Queen Goodfey AnYwHeRe! If I want to write a story where she's the main character, you better believe that I can never find a good picture to put on the damn cover; which is very sad, considering that I can't say the same for King Darius. And his mustache looks so weird too! 😂 I'm going to stumble into a slight hiccup by the time me and EVSkybeat are ready to publish our fanfiction.

 And his mustache looks so weird too! 😂 I'm going to stumble into a slight hiccup by the time me and EVSkybeat are ready to publish our fanfiction

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Though I don't mind making an exception with this one. And if anyone can find the one where she appears as a 'vision' to Arkayna in The Dome, that would be very much appreciated. Might use this specific one for my cover for Crowned Mask and Melodic Kaos. If I can do it in a way that works out. But I still find it irritating. Though, I might be biased because of Melody...

2. One thing that I find very weird is how nobody could figure out the identities of the Mysticons. You mean to tell me that the only person who could take one look and notice the girl behind the mask was Queen Goodfey? Obviously, Arkayna, Piper, and Em undergo some hair changes, but apart from the blue with the white streak at the ends, Zarya's hair literally looks THE SAME! And you mean to tell me that Kitty couldn't have just taken one look and realized that it was Zarya?! I know somebody's gonna bring up Em's dad, but don't all say dwarfs say 'By the Hammer of Harmon' in this show? What makes it obvious that it's Em??? The blasted piece of junk part? I get that they were trying to do the whole 'only the audience knows' thing, but clearly it's not just the audience if Queen Goodfey figured it out on the spot! Oh, and not to mention in "The Prophecy Unleashed" when Arkayna literally had to tell Nova Terron who she was (so many problems with this episode in the deepest corners of my brain). You would really think that Big Nova would've put two and two together and realized why she was taking it so personally. The sad part is that they did this in Shera too. It wasn't even like Adora was wearing a mask! Same face, and same jawline, but the moment she gets taller, and she starts glowing, and her hair is longer, it might as well just be a whole different person at that point.

3. This has nothing to do with Mysticons, but I need to get this off my chest somewhere. For the love of God, please, if you guys decide to start a family one day, don't ever ask your kids what's wrong with them. Please! In no way, shape or form will it help when you ask your kids what's wrong with them. Because then when something's actually wrong, they won't come to you because they'll think all you'll do is criticize them. It's all fun and games until the kid actually starts self-loathing, or worse, and then you sit there wondering why they feel this way. And a lot of parents don't understand that it's their own fault that their kids don't communicate with them. PROVIDE A SAFE SPACE SO YOUR KIDS CAN HAVE OPEN CONVERSATIONS WITH YOU!!! Jesus Christmas, man. You'd think some people would get this in their heads by now.

4. *sigh. Mrs. Sparklebottom is on my list. This woman ruined the lives of three girls because Proxima just happened to be standing next to Zarya when Nova asked to see the twin. And even after that, what the fuck possessed Sparklebottom to decide to switch their fucking identities after Nova Terron left?! She couldn't have just let the moment pass??? Not to mention that her orphanage is in the middle of the woods and that she doesn't actually do anything cause she has those woodsprites doing all the work for her anyway! And don't even get me started on the fact that even Tazma could get in... You can't even blame that on Lateensia at that point. It's not her fault Sparklebottom's security system is susceptible to the smallest blast...

5. A weird thing with Lateensia too... Her character is literally a gold digger because she's dating Gawayne and all that, right? So why is she volunteering at an orphanage? Assuming that she and Gawayne are around the same age, why doesn't she look for a job that actually pays so she can buy the things she wants?

6. I'm confused. So in Episode 38 (Eternal Starshine of the Mage's Mind), the Mysticons go into the deepest parts of Proxima's memories, right? Wouldn't they have seen a flashback of her parents or when she was a newborn? Basically, her life before she went to the orphanage. Because obviously Proxima couldn't be fifteen to sixteen and recall something from Zarya's third Starday. So if she can't recall that memory, and she can't remember who her parents were, why wasn't the flashback of her parents showcased, and the one with Zarya was? I don't know if this is making much sense...

7. So I'm wondering... Tazma could have left Necrafa if she wanted to, right? Because we see her try to escape in The Dome, and then she never escapes again after that. Their relationship is just so abusive. It's not even like Tazma was a prisoner! I just can't understand it...

8. Tazma and Melody alliance anybody? No? Just me? Okay... :(

9. More of a question than a rant... What kind of tattoo would you guys want/expect Melody to have? And I'm not talking about Queen Goodfey because clearly, they're not the same. Queen Goodfey being into knives?! And on top of that, HaVe A cRiMiNaL rEcOrD? I can't even begin to fathom the possibility...

10. Monster Hunt when Zarya was being an ass to Piper...

Zarya: I kinda made plans with Arkayna...

The plans she made with Arkayna...

DrAwInG iN tHe DaMn SkY!!!! It's so sad that I cant find Mysticons episodes on any legal site. I would've had a picture for you guys 😔

11. Is it okay for me to rant about Zarya's Scream and Melody for a second? Does anybody remember the chapter Leave when Melody left because she got frustrated with Zarya? Guys... I don't know how I even wrote that chapter and felt comfortable publishing it. I... THIS WOMAN DECIDED TO LEAVE HER CRIPPLED, SCREAMING DAUGHTER BECAUSE SHE WAS TIRED OF HER AND BECAUSE HER DAMN HUSBAND TOLD HER TO!!! What kind of mother does that to her child?! I mean I understand that you might want to take a few moments to breathe and clear your head, but it's probably only been a week or two since you got her back. What purpose does it serve to abandon your daughter like that? Now you guys know why I'm not so proud of my work, especially knowing that Melody isn't that kind of mother at all. The most she'd do is step away for a half hour to clear her head and come back. Maybe she'd vibe to some music. But damn...

12. Save the Date. Oh boy... Arkayna decides to make a potion because she's nervous about going on a date (sorry, It'S nOt A dAtE) with a guy that she's known for a couple of months already. It's not like she's just meeting some random guy that she found on a dating app or just randomly passing him by on the street. Dude, y'all literally live together! He makes breakfast for you almost every morning, I presume! He tried to help you free your parents. What are you so nervous about? Why did you even feel the need to make a potion in the first place? I don't know how I haven't ranted about this episode before. It's just so dumb. You guys couldn't have just acted normal for one night? 🙄

13. I can't believe I haven't thought about this before, but the Codex that was used to give all the Mysticons their powerups and could have potentially freed the king and queen, can also be used to free Necrafa and to strengthened her powers. Why is that kind of thing just casually in the Codex? Or in the Dragon Disk itself for that matter? Why is something that is supposed to be beneficial to the Mysticons also detrimental to them? Because it got into the wrong hands?! Seriously?! Is it like a Lord of the Rings type of thing?

14. Where did Zarya get Binky from? Who just casually leaves an exploding toy in the middle of the Undercity? Who designed Binky? Where did he actually originate from? And why is this kind of thing made for 10-year-olds and older?! Some teenagers can barely control themselves much less 10-year-olds! Holy sugar...

15. I don't understand why Kitty got mad at Zarya in The Princess and the Pirate episode. Miss, in case you haven't realized this by now, Zarya has priorities! You're getting mad because she has no choice but to accept the life that was thrown onto her out of nowhere! Seriously?!


Okay. That's all I have for now. And let me know if there's anything you want to rant about, and I'll be sure to add it in the next one. Please vote, comment, and share. Peace!

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