Rant #1

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Originally, I wanted to do this on my message board, but apparently, there were too many characters. So at this point, it's like whatever.

1. I wish there were some moments with Arkayna and Queen Goodfey moments. And I wish everyone would stop acting like Zarya deserves more attention because 'naturally' it makes more sense that she does. Pretty sure Zarya doesn't even want it anyway. Especially after the first episode, I'm pretty sure Arkayna probably felt guilty after what happened and would apologize to her mother for being an ass and she would want to try and rekindle their relationship.

2. People need to stop titling Arkayna as a spoiled ass! I mean, she's been locked up in a palace all her life so she just doesn't understand some things. And just because she doesn't like hearing the same shit over and over doesn't mean she's spoiled. She has learned a lot about friendship while being a Mysticon and she will be an extraordinary queen when the time comes. And just because she doesn't think about things before she says doesn't make her spoiled (believe me, I think we ALL say random shit now and then). She does apologize after she realizes her mistake.

3. Zarya doesn't always have to be the muscle. In case you guys didn't realize, she's a human, with feelings! Pretty sure she's allowed to cry, she's allowed to scream, she's allowed to let her emotions run wild damnit!

4. Em doesn't have to be the nice one all the time. There are times where she lashes out if she needs to make a point, but we don't have to act like she has a big heart all the time

5. Proxima doesn't have to find her family. I'm pretty sure that turning evil was sort of a learning experience for her, and the Mysticons got her back! Also, having the king and queen adopt her is just straight-up dumb!

6. I think this might be the same with Piper too. The fact that she hasn't questioned it shows that she doesn't seem to mind. But if she was curious about where she was from, then I'm sure the Mysticons would try to help her out and find her family.

7. Real-life situations should exist in this show! Just yesterday, I was thinking about human trafficking and how it would work in a show like Mysticons. I mean, if Kaos can destroy a whole village and kidnap some kids without any type of context, then I'm pretty sure human trafficking exists. Teen pregnancy can exist (as long as it's not cheesy as hell), racism can exist, and a bunch of other things that are wrong with the world that I have yet to learn about.

8. I wish people would stop taking Gawayne for one big joke. I wish they would actually compliment him every once and a while. He doesn't have a mother, he lost his father too (Arkayna isn't the only one that lost her parents), and being a spoiled ass is probably the only way he can cope with the trauma and hide his feelings. So I was really glad for that small moment in Episode 30.

9. Queen Goodfey could have been an ass when she was a kid. I think I might be the only one that would just assume that she wasn't all "I love rainbows and unicorns" (unless she's talking about that rainbow *if you know what I mean*). But, princess or not, I don't expect her to be exactly like Zarya and Arkayna, because there are some things that the twins did that made absolutely no sense whatsoever (like betraying the Astromancers), but I do expect her to rebel, smoke, do illegal things and not get caught because yes. Guess what, she can feel bad about herself too. She can have INSECURITIES. It's a thing that exists even for adults.

10. Did anyone else think that the flashback from Season 1 finale literally defied all logic. Unless Big Nova has some sort of teleportation powers, you guys seriously don't mean to tell me that no one saw Nova Terron walk in and out of the palace with a baby! I mean, *scoff*, okay

11. Am I the only one that doesn't care about the Vexicons as much as I should? One thing that I would want if the series continued was for the Mysticons to actually fight against living human beings for once, and not just random creatures because guess what, humans can make for great villains too (just as long as the villain isn't cheesy)

12. This one isn't really a rant, but the one thing that I liked about the show was how they made the villains have a reason for being evil. Tons of shows (even She-ra to some extent since Catra and all the other kids in the Horde were like the only ones), kind of just have villains fight against the good guys without any kind of purpose. It's like "Oh, I'm just gonna be evil because it's fun and all the other guys are doing it!" Mysticons doesn't really do that because Dreadbane was fighting for his beloved, Proxima just wanted a family, and we can speculate what kind of traumatic shit Necrafa (the elf) went through and why she was in part of the woods. But... should I count the 2012 version of TMNT? The only reason Shredder turned evil was because he wanted some girl and the girl clearly didn't want him. (TMNT is a whole other story tbh)

13. Wondering how different the show would be if Arkayna was the gay one???

14. Please don't try to do crossovers with this show. It just ends up becoming cheesy as hell. A show like TMNT doesn't need to have a crossover with Mysticons because the character traits are similar. If they're similar, it doesn't make it interesting (Shera, however, is an exception)

15. Would Tazma serve as 'important' since the series ended and the Spectral Hand is gone? One thing that annoyed me so much was how she just seems to go around and work for evil people even though she doesn't want to. And the fan seasons that are on Mysticons Tumblr, @mysticonheadcanons kind of just continued that legacy. I'm pretty sure she can try to find a job that she likes and would be better off on her own especially since she can't stand the Astromancers

16. When Proxima became evil, did she really have to turn all of the Astromancers evil? I mean she already knew she was adopted because she said that she was in episode 21, and it did show that she at least had some control and knew what she was doing in Episode 29, so... why?

17. Another thing when Proxima turned evil: why didn't she just go after Sparklebottom? Not that it would have made sense to raid an orphanage, but... couldn't she just try to get some answers out of Sparklebottom? She could have done this before the mask sort of beckoned her to put it on, and maybe the "third season" could be like a search for Proxima's parents or something along those lines

18. The guards literally contributed nothing to the show, so that's nice

19. Episode 39 was the best! It was better than the finale in my opinion

20. The Spectral Hand kind of reminded me of that Legend of Korra villain. Can't remember his name, but he was the one with the tentacles and he was a spirit I think, and he had an opposing enemy which was supposed to represent the light. (You guys probably have no idea what I'm talking about)

And that's it. I had to let this out somewhere. Maybe I'll add a cover later on. Please vote, and share. Peace!

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