Rant #2 Picture Edition

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1. So maybe a few weeks ago, I was watching 'The Last Dragon' and...

When the fuck did Gawayne have telekinesis!?! Jesus Christ Mysticons! Gawayne would have been a very different and better character if he wasn't such a spoiled ass! I mean, yeah he's funny, but

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When the fuck did Gawayne have telekinesis!?! Jesus Christ Mysticons! Gawayne would have been a very different and better character if he wasn't such a spoiled ass! I mean, yeah he's funny, but... just why?

2. So, uhh... I wanted to show you guys like a cameo, sort of, of a picture of the queen In Arkayna's bedroom, because... the way that I envision her in my mind is completely different than the way she looks in the show. Nothing's wrong with the photo itself, but... it just screams "I'm a goody-two-shoes." The episodes that I know it's in are "The Coronation", "The Last Dragon", I think "The Lost Scepter", and "Scourge of the Seven Skies." Ma6be you guys can try to fish for It yourselves.

3. I just realized the reason why most people can't stand Arkayna. No hate on Alyson Court, but... they needed a different voice actress. I just feel it's because she sounds too girly when she speaks sometimes, and she doesn't sound like a realistic teen, especially in this day 'n' age. Maybe this is why most people like her. If she had a deeper tone like the voice actress for Zarya, then maybe I'd take her more seriously. Every time I hear her voice now, it just makes me cringe. Back then, I didn't mind because I loved Arkayna while the show was running. But when it ended, I kinda went back to rewatch the episodes and I was like "Holy shit, she's the worst."

4. I take back the human trafficking thing. Those people are damaged beyond repair. But still, at least something that doesn't have anything to do with childish topics at least. Like maybe the Mysticons having to deal with a court case or something. And teenagers going to high school and things like that. It's just a thought.

5. So rewatching Mysticons episodes means that I get to look back and make fun of the animation and the way the characters were drawn. The other day, I realized that our favorite princess of Gemina wears the shortest dress of all time.

 The other day, I realized that our favorite princess of Gemina wears the shortest dress of all time

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They could have least tried to make the dress longer so that it complimented her height. I'm assuming that she doesn't wear shorts underneath anyway. The girl is tall so she needs a tall dress for god's sake! Imagine someone in real life walking around in this dress with passion and dignity!

6. Guys... Queen Goodfey is adorable

 Queen Goodfey is adorable

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And I, uhh... I clearly didn't make this GIF over a year ago because I was obsessed with her at the time...

7. I feel ashamed for being the only one who doesn't see any evidence of Moonboon. Other than the ending for "The Princess and the Pirate", I didn't see much evidence of it. Guys... I was 10 when the show started and 11 when it ended. I don't think I fully understood the concept of gay yet, alright? And I kinda scorned gayness back then because of the principles that were beaten into me. The weirdest part is, I still don't see it unless it's in fanfiction. I just think they're really good friends.

 I just think they're really good friends

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This was the moment I realized. It literally looked like Zarya was proposing! Lol!

8. I also have to be the only one who doesn't take Choko seriously. Sometimes, I forget he exists, which is sad because I remember Stormy and she came in Episode 32 while Choko was there from the very beginning. I try to include him in my fics, but... it doesn't look like it's working out for me.

 it doesn't look like it's working out for me

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9. I got one of those egg surprise things with gummies inside. I ate the gummies (obviously), and this little guy reminded me of a certain dragon.

 I ate the gummies (obviously), and this little guy reminded me of a certain dragon

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He's my new son. The dinosaur, not Stormy (don't be silly, Stormy's a girl 🤪). Anybody got any name suggestions? I was thinking about calling him Stormy because of the resemblance but decided against it. My son is just adorable.

10. Wondering if anyone noticed the artificial trees and bushes in the throne room? It was so weird when I spotted them literally in the last episode.

Anyways, that's all I have for today. Couldn't really come up with anything else because my brain doesn't function the right way sometimes. Please, vote, comment, and share. Peace!

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