♦ chapter seven ♦

Start from the beginning

Darcy nodded. "Wanna go interrupt your big brother's moment?"

Signy looked over and felt like gagging as Thor took Jane's face in his hands. "Bleh. Always."

"Hey, could you, like... I don't know. Stop the rain?" Darcy asked as the two made their way over.

"You're right. It's probably lending to their moment. Disgusting."

Thor narrowed his eyes at his little sister. "Sig-"

"Um, we're kinda in the middle of something here," Jane said, directing this to Darcy.

"Um, I'm pretty sure we're getting arrested," Darcy mocked.

"Hold that thought." Jane ran off to talk to the police officers, leaving the three together.

"Look at you, still all muscly and everything," Darcy said, poking his bicep. "How's space?"

"Space is fine," Thor replied simply.

While they continued to exchange pleasantries, the police officer attempted to grasp Jane's arm only to be thrown off by some unknown dark red haze which shattered everything around them. Thor moved to block Signy and Darcy from the rubble, but Signy was quicker in growing a wall of ice to shield them.

Thor quickly ran over to check on the girl who now laid on the ground, having also been harmed by the blast. The police attempted to arrest her again, saying she was dangerous.

"Signy, come quickly," Thor beckoned. Signy waved back to Darcy and ran to her brother's side. "Hold on to me," he told Jane.

"What are you doing?" Jane asked.

Signy smiled as Thor's arm wrapped around her. "I like to call it the rainbow bridge."

The three were transported up into the sky, leaving a large mark in the cement behind as a sign of their departure. They landed back in Asgard at Heimdall's feet. And with that, Jane made her first trip to space alongside the demigods.


"This is not of Earth. What is it?" Thor asked one of the lady's maids who was tending to Jane, trying to discover what was brewing inside of her.

"We do not know. But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her," the woman replied.

Signy ran into the room excitedly with a plate of her favorite Asgardian foods for Jane to try. When she saw the girl was still engaged, Signy went to stand beside her brother, offering up the snacks.

"That's a quantum field generator, isn't it?" Jane asked, watching the vague form of her body dust above her.

"It's a soul forge," another woman replied as she worked on it.

"Does a soul forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?"

The woman looked down at her in surprise. "Yes."

Jane turned to the children of Odin and whispered, "Quantum field generator."

Signy looked up at her lovesick, smiling brother. Their happiness was put to an end, however, when Odin entered the room. "My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?" he asked.

"She is ill," Thor replied.

"She is mortal," Odin argued. "Illness is their defining trait. And you had the nerve to drag your sister along."

"I do have a mind of my own, believe it or not," Signy muttered. "I chose to go along."

"I brought her here because we can help her," Thor continued, trying to take the focus away from his sister's sass, knowing how that would end.

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