"he came home with a girl?" lilith's voice is light as she asks nick for reconfirmation.

nick and matt both nod, making lilith upset. why would he bring a girl home? she thought they had something going. they definitely weren't just friends, but they weren't dating, either.

if he wants to be like that, he can.

as if they were summoned, chris comes down the stairs with a girl that seems like she's attached to his hip. nick gasps after seeing who it is.

"fucking sasha?" lilith mumbles under her breath. matt's jaw drops and he pulls lilith closer to him so she can't do something she might regret.

"morning chris..." nick starts. "i see you've brought someone back around."

"nick, could you shut up for like two fucking seconds?" chris snaps, making nick widen his eyes. lilith holds a mean look on sasha, who has the nerve to have her arms wrapped around chris' waist- where lilith used to keep her arms.

"hey everyone. it's good to see you guys again." sasha's high pitched voice makes lilith's headache ten times worse.

"we couldn't say the same." lilith responds dryly, keeping her eyes on sasha as chris looks over at her and shakes his head.

"no need to be rude. i think you might need to get used to me." lilith furrows her eyebrows. "chrissy said that he loves me last night."

lilith feels her heart drop to her feet as her breath hitches in her throat.

"what the fuck?" matt whispers.

"what did you just say?" nick asks, after looking back at matt and lili.

"chris told me he's in love with me." those words alone could have made lilith die right then and right there.

"chris-" lilith's voice comes out quietly. "can i talk to you please?"

chris looks back at her to see the hurt in her eyes, but ignores it.

"i'm kind of busy right now." he turns his attention back to the medicine cabinet. "where is the fucking advil?"

"i gave the last of it to lili." nick says, making chris slam the cabinet shut. lilith's brain feels like it rattles.

"of fucking course. because it's always about lilith, isn't it? everyone does everything for her and she just throws it in the fucking garbage!" chris yells at her. lilith stands up.

"what the fuck is your problem?" lilith yells back, ignoring the pain in her head.

"you're my problem, lilith!" chris runs a hand through his hair. "i have done everything possible to make you happy!"

"am i supposed to say thank you?! i don't even know why you're so god damn upset!" lilith walks closer to him. sasha steps in front of him.

"i'm sure the guy that was fucking swallowing you last night would know!" chris yells, trying to get his point across. lilith steps even closer, almost touching sasha.

"you need to back the fuck up!" sasha yells at lilith, making matthew stand up out of his chair.

lili runs her tongue along the inside of her mouth while chuckling dryly.

"you really think you have any effect on me?" lilith yells at the blonde. "well, you don't. so get the fuck out of my way before i beat your ass."

"make me, whore!" sasha yells back, pushing lilith back. lili pulls her arm back before colliding it with sasha's face, knocking the blonde down to the floor. sasha stays down, crying into her hand.

before i go / c. sturniolo ✔️Where stories live. Discover now