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Freddy had woken up by the vibration sounds of his alarm on his phone. He then reached over, and swiped his phone to turn off his alarm. He was about to get up, when a weight on him stopped him. He regained his vision, and saw that Ballora was still asleep, with her head and hands lying on his chest. Freddy smiled by the sight of the sleeping woman. He stroke some her hair out of the way of her face, and took a better look at her.

"Wow. What a beautiful woman."

Freddy then slowly lifted up Ballora slightly, without waking her up, laid her back down, and got out of bed. He then quietly picked out some clothes, and decided to go the downstairs bathroom to not wake up Ballora in his personal bathroom. Before he went in the bathroom, Freddy went into the kitchen, and started to make some coffee. After he pressed 'brew', he then went inside the bathroom, and started the shower. After 10 minutes getting ready, he exited the bathroom, poured himself a cup of coffee, and went back upstairs to the upstairs balcony. A little later, Ballora had woken up as well. She slowly rose up from bed, and stretched out. She looked around and saw that Freddy was not in his room, nor the bathroom. She got up, and changed out of her night gown, and put on the same clothes as yesterday since all her clothes are still packed in the truck. She walked out of the room, and she was about to go downstairs, until she saw Freddy on his balcony. She wondered why Freddy was up at 5 in the morning. Well, she's gonna have her answer now. She walked behind Freddy, and tapped his should, which made him jump a bit.

"Huh? Oh, Ballora. You scared me."

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I just didn't think anyone would be up at this time."

"Makes sense. But, why are you up so early?"

"Work. Gotta do it early. And you?"

"My mind work me up. And when that happens, I can't go back to sleep."

"Oh. Well, would you like some coffee?"

"I would like some coffee, yes."

"Alright. Be right back."

He went back downstairs to get him and Ballora some coffee. Back at the balcony, Ballora was admiring the view. Seeing all the houses down below and the mountains in front of her. It was a sight to see. Freddy then came back, and handed Ballora her cup. She took it with two hand hands, and took at drink, with a smile.

"Beautiful view, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It is."

"I always come out here after I wake up or when I have a long day."

"I can see that."

They stood there for a while, looking out from the balcony. She felt the akwardness silence between them. And she hated it. So, she decided to break the silence.

"Sooo, Freddy. Can I ask you a question?"


"Baby said that, when you guys were in high school, she helped you. What does she mean by that?"

"Well. At the beginning of high school, I was not really the most, likable kid. Got made fun of for the the first couple of months. I wasn't really sociable. Until, Baby helped me. She saw how I was, help me get on my feet, and get through high school. She was my only friend. She even helped me get the idea of opening my own restraunt. I just wish, her's went great as well. She had alot of fate in it."

"She did. Freddy, I know I said this last night, but I am still really grateful, and thankful for what you're doing for us. I've never seen anyine do somwthing this nice before."

"You're welcome, Ballora. And besides, friends of Baby, are friends of mine. And, this is a way for me to repay for how much she helped me in high school."

"You know, Baby said that you were a total sweetheart in high school."

"*chuckles* You can say that. I had few relationships during high school. But, they didn't really stick. Those girls weren't, the one, you know."

"I think I do. I really had no great expirence with dating. The guys I dated were assholes."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Like you said, there's, the one, out there. Somewhere."

Or maybe even sitting next to each other.

After a few more minutes of silence, Freddy asked a question this time.

"Hey, Ballora?"

"Yes, Freddy?"

"You know, Baby never showed me any videos of your dancing. Don't get me wrong, I believe in what she said about your dancing, but I would like to see how you dance for myself. If that's ok with you."

"Oh. U-U-Ummm."

"Are you nervous?"

"A-A little bit. It's just that, I rarely dance in front of adults. They're more strict than kids."

"Don't worry. I'm not here to judge. I just want to see how good you are."

While saying that, Freddy grabbed Ballora's hand, to let her know that everything was ok. By him doing that, Ballora had a small blush forming on her face. She took a deep breath, got up, and took out her phone. Which made Freddy confused.

"I-I dance better with music on."


She moved some of the chairs out of the way to make some room fir herself. She then put some quiet, musical, ballet music on. She then closed her eyes, and started to do her dance routine. Perfectly following the rythem of the music. Freddy was watching how Ballora was perfectly dancing. Seeing how body was going perfectly to every dance pose she did. While watching her, he felt his heart starting to speed up by the sight of the beautiful woman dancing in front of him.

'Wow, a beautiful woman that dances like a goddess. If she gets even more amazing, I'm gonna fall for her even more.'

The music stopped, and Ballora stopped at her place, opened her eyes, amd looked at Freddy.

"So, what did you think?"

Freddy got up from his chair, walked up to Ballora, grabbed her hand, and kissed it.

"It was beautiful."

Ballora's faced quickly turned red, then took her hand back, and rubbed her neck nervously. As well her laughing nervously.

"W-W-W-Well, thanks, F-F-Freddy! That m-means alot coming from you!"

"The kids are going to love your dancing. Just as much as I loved it."

"T-Thank you so much! I promise I wont disappoint you."

"Oh, I know you wont. That was the most beautiful dancing I've seen in years."

Ballora then put her hands up to her face to hide her embarrassed red face. And Freddy chuckled by her reaction. It was adorable to him.

"Well, I'm gonna head to my office now. Help yourself with some breakfast, and come tell me when the others are awake."


Freddy then walked away, and went inside his office. Ballora stood on the balcony for a while longer, getting her mind together.

'I should not been having these feelings! I literally just met this man last night! How the hell am I having a big crush, like some sort of teenage girl, on a guy I just met! God damn it, Baby!! Why did everything you said about Freddy had to be true?!'

Ballora then decided to make a small breakfast for herself, and decided to wait for everyone to wake. While just relaxing, Ballora had one thing in mind.

Of how even the slightest thought of Freddy that comes up in her, makes her heart race.

And she loves it.

It was meant to be [Fredllora] Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum