31st of August 1993 - part 2

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"I have run out of compassion for anyone who isn't outraged." - For The Rapists Who Call Themselves Feminists, Blythe Baird

Privet Drive, England

Harry was stranded alone in the dark Muggle world with absolutely nowhere to go, but what troubled him most was the fact that he had just done serious magic, meaning he was likely no longer welcome at Hogwarts, because he had broken the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. In fact, he was surprised by the lack of aurors aparating next to him.

The boy shivered and cautiously looked up and down Privet Drive. He wondered what would happen to him, if he would be arrested or would he simply be outlawed from the wizarding world. He thought of his friends and family which made his heart sink even lower. Harry was sure that, criminal or not, they would want to help him, but with Hedwig gone, he was helpless to contact them.

And though he had gold his vault and some in the money bag at the bottom of his trunk he'd have to go to Gringotts to change it into muggle money as he figured hiding in the muggle world would be his best bet, but if he was truly a wanted criminal he'd never be able to get in out of the wizarding bank.

Suddenly he felt prickling on the back of his neck as if he was being watched, but the street still seemed utterly deserted, there were no lights, movements or sounds in the streets or inside the houses of the neighborhood. Except, of course, for number four, a few blocks away, where the Dursleys ran around desperately, not knowing what to do with themselves, but they were too far out of sight and earshot.

A few moments passed and the feeling still crept up and down Harry's neck, he had no doubt someone or something stood in the narrow gap between the garage and fence across the street. He stood up and stared into the darkness hoping that whatever hid there would move, so he'd know what it was, instead, he only felt it staring back at him.

"Lumos." A light appeared at the end of his wand. He figured as he had already done much worse magic that night, there'd be no harm in such a simple spell. He blinked a few times, the glow surprised his eyes that had become so accustomed to the darkness. He stretched his arm ahead, pointing towards the gap and the pebble-dashed walls of the unseemly house revealed the outline of something enormous, carrying wide, gleaming, yellow eyes.

"Padfoot?" He whispered, but there was no time for confirmation, a deafening bang washed over his ears and Harry moved his hands to shield his eyes from the sudden blinding light coming from his right.

He yelled, stepping back, his legs hit his trunk and he tripped over, falling onto the pavement just in time. Not a second later a gigantic pair of wheels and headlights screeched to a halt exactly where he'd just been standing. Right in front of him, having appeared from nothing, parked a triple-decker, violently purple bus with gold lettering spelling "The Knight Bus" over the windshield.

"Merlin." He whispered and a man wearing the obnoxiously purple uniform stepped out of the bus with his head held high.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witches and wizards. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor this eve-" the man's eyes caught Harry, still on the ground in a state of utter shock.

He got up quickly, shaking the dirt from his pants and adjusting the grip on his wand. Harry noticed that the man or boy, Stan, could not be much older than him, his head balanced rather large ears and his pale skin took on a reddish tone from his pimples.

"What were you doin' down there?" asked Stan, confused.

"I- I... fell." Harry stuttered uncertainly, still trying to understand what had just happened "I fell over" he repeated, reassuring both Stan and himself.

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