Chapter 8: The Sorting Ceremony

Start from the beginning

She spotted suddenly a hair-like Roxas in the crowd. "Roxas! There see", she pointed to a head, making his eyes widen. "No way. Is that me?" "Hm? What is wrong?", Sora joined the two, as both pointed to the same hair as Roxas. "Ah ok! Hey!" "Sora!", both whispered shouted to him but the boy turned around and Sora waved him to the group.

He squeezed through the crowd standing to them, making his and Roxas's eyes widen. "They look identical" "wicked! What is your name?"

"My name is Ventus. Nice to meet you", he smiled softly at them. "Hello! I am Sora. This is Roxas, Kairi and Jessy" "Hello" "Nice to meet you, Ventus. I'm just wondering on you look like Roxas or does Roxas look like you?" "Eh", Ventus was lost, his eyes scanning the others for help but no one dared to say something.

"Jessy, stop confusing us" "Confusing you is not hard", mumbled Roxas, making Ventus laugh. "Ven you're as bright as Sora", admitted Kairi, making Jessy nod in agreement. "Thanks you two. It's nice to find others as kind as you are. Do you know each other long?" "I know Sora since birth, Kairi since childhood and Jessy since...what? 6 hours?", he looked at her, her head swaying "'round about, yes"

A scream from diverse students came, making all jump and turned to them.

"What is happening?"

Roundabout 20 ghosts came from the wall, some even from under the ground, making others gasp, even Jessy while Sora looked amazed.

They were pearly-white and slightly transparent, gliding across the room, not noticing the first years. They were clearly mad, some arguing.

A little fat monk was saying Forgive and forget, I say, we ought to give him a second chance-"

Another ghost in fancy robes with a long cape looked strict and clearly unamused at the monk. "My dear Friar, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name and you know, he's not really even a ghost- I say-" he stopped with a raised finger, looking at the students, who looked back with big eyes, mouths slightly open, some shaking of nervousness.

That caught the others' ghost attention and they turned to the first years.

"New students!", said the Fat Friarm smiling and flying closer to them
"About to be sorted, I suppose?"

"Yes!", Soras's cheery voice went straight out, not afraid. Jessy turned to look at him when he saw Roxas pointing to sora with his thumb, followed by a wave of his hand in front of his face.

Jessy had to bid the laughter down so hard.

"Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!", the ghost brought the attention back from Jessy and Roxas. "My old house, you know? Wonderful co-", he got interrupted by a loud cough, making everyone in the chamber turn to the door and there stood Professor McGonagall, with an unamused look on her face, watching both, the students and the ghosts

"Move along now", she began, clapping her hands, "The ceremony is about to start"

The ghosts hurried away through the next wall

"Now, form a line", the students obeyed her, forming a line. Jessy was in front of Kairi, behind her was either Ventus or Roxas. She couldn't tell these two apart!

And then, the line began to move. Jessy could feel how her legs began to feel like jello, every step was adding more to her nerves by the passing second, following the others out of the chamber, back across the hall, and through big double doors into the Great Hall.

And by everything this hall was big. The elder students looked at the first- years, hoping some of them would join their house. On the long tables were golden plates and goblets, candles floating over their heads, and even further was a night sky with dozens of stars twinkling that you couldn't see the ceiling. "Jessy, look at that. Wicked", Ventus said. So it was Ventus behind her. At the front was a large table on a sort-like podium, with teachers sitting there, including Headmaster Pueralbis and even Hagrid sat there.

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