Red leather jacket

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Natasha was woken up by the sunbeams that fell through the bedrooms window and landed on her face. She blinked a few times and turned away from the light, trying to fall asleep again but she soon enough realised that she won't be able to do so. With a sigh she sat up and grabbed the water bottle from her nightstand, taking a few sips. Then there was a knock on her door.

"Morning Nat, it's Tony. Can we talk?"

"Uhm yeah, just give me a minute" she replied, her voice still raspy.

Natasha climbed out of the comfort of her bed and got changed into sweatpants and a shirt. She untangled her hair and put it in a neatly made ponytail. 

"Come on in"

On that Tony stepped into the room with two bags in his hands.

"So uhm I went back to the Compound and got some belongings from everyone. I figured you would want some other clothes to change into and just some personal stuff, you know."
He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck after setting one of the bags down.

"Thank you Tony, that's very nice of you. Who's bag is this?" Natasha asked and pointed to the other bag in Tony's hands.

"Oh, this is for Wanda. I thought I could bring it to you so you can give it to her. I still don't think she's my biggest fan. Do you mind to hand it over to her?"

"Of course not, I will take it down to her in a bit. Thanks Tony"

He just nodded at her and turned to leave.

"One last thing, Tony. I don't think she hates you anymore. There's only one person that she hates and that's herself. I think especially after you brought her some personal belongings, she will be grateful, don't worry."

"Thank you Natasha, it's good to hear that. Well besides the fact that she hates herself, that's not good to hear but I-
You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know" Natasha chuckled.

With that Tony left again and Natasha took her bag and started to put her belongings in the wardrobes and shelfs of her room. Only one thing was missing; her red leather jacket. Tony must have forgotten about it. She decided to brush her teeth and then go downstairs to give Wanda her bag and check up on her.

When she opened the door to Wanda's room in the medical wing, she found the girl lying awake in the big hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. The sight reminded her of the video tape she saw last night, but she shoved those thought away; at least she tried to. With a sigh she walked towards the bed and put the bag down at the end of Wanda's feet. Natasha took Wanda's hand in her own and gave it a light squeeze to signal her that she was there. That's when Wanda finally became aware of her surroundings. She turned her head to look at Natasha and gave her a warm smile.

"Good Morning Wanda, how do you feel?"

Wanda's smile turned into a frown and she shrugged her shoulders in response. Natasha noticed the change in her mood and tried to lighten it up a bit.

"Tony went to the Compound and got you some of your personal belongings as well as some clothes of your own. I bet they'll suit you better than this hospital gown- it's not like you don't look good in that as well. I mean, I think you would feel better in something of your own."

Wanda stopped Natasha's rambling by sqeezing her hand back and giving her a smile again, a light blush visible on her face. Next, she tried to sit up in her bed but didn't have to strength to do so. Natasha noticed her struggle and pulled her forward by her hand. She knew that pushing Wanda forward would include touching her back and that would hurt her, so it wasn't an option. Wanda let go of Natasha's hand and reached for the bag, carefully opening it.

She's Just A Kid~ W.M.Where stories live. Discover now