Make her feel love again

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Natasha sat in front of her laptop, holding the flashdrive that Vision gave her in her hands. She was contemplating, if she should watch the security tapes for hours now. Sure, it would invade Wanda's privacy. But Natasha was sure she would be able to help her better, if she knew what happened. Not entirely happy with her decision, she put the flashdrive in the port of her laptop and clicked on the files that were attached to it. A lot of video files opened, sorted by the date.

Come on, Natasha, it's simple. Just click on a goddamn file.

And that's what she did. She opened a file from a week ago after putting her headphones on. The video was taking a while to load, but eventually started after a few seconds.

The video showed a plain white room with a metal table in the middle of it. Soon Wanda was dragged into the room, struggling against the guards firm grip. But without her powers and in a straight jacked there wasn't much she could do. The guards easily overpowered her and strapped the pale woman to the metal table. On closer inspection Natasha could see tears flowing down the brunttes cheeks, leaving shiny strikes behind. Wanda's muffled sobs that shook her whole body were the only thing to be heard.
A man in a white lab coat entered the room with a clipboard in his hands.

"Ah hello Ms. Maximoff, what a pleasure to see you here"

"I can't really say the same about you"
she said, her voice was not very loud, but Natasha could hear the fear that dripped from Wanda's words.

"Well, to be honest, I don't think that this will change after today's session"

Wanda tried to swallow the lump that previously formed in her troath, but it was no use. The scientist started to prepare some instruments while Wanda just inspected the ceiling, awaiting the great deal of pain that was about to come her way. When he was done, he turned towards her with a sharp scalpel in his hand.

"Please don't do this to me" Wanda sobbed.

Natasha's heart ached at those words. Wanda sounded so defeated.

"Oh my dear, but I have to" he smirked.


"They pay me a lot of money to find out how a pretty little thing like you gets such destructive powers. Let's see, if you can heal as fast as your brother now, shall we."

That made Natasha's blood boil. They not only tortured her, but also experimented on Wanda. How could someone be so reckless.

The scientist ignored Wanda's further pleads and cries and cut a part of her stomach out. She screamed in agony while her blood dropped to the ground along with hot tears.

Natasha couldn't bear the sound of Wanda's blood curling screams anymore and ripped the headphones out of her ears. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the screen that showed Wanda helplessly bleeding out on that damn table with a single tear falling from her eye. Just then Natasha noticed that she too was crying. Her body shook with heavy sobs while her hands covered her mouth in attempt to hold everything in.

Suddenly her laptop was closed. She looked up and was met with Clints soft expression.

"Clint, I-" more words didn't come out before Natasha broke down into tears again. The archer came  to Natasha's side and wrapped his arms around her protectively, whispering soothing words into her ear.

"I shouldn't have watched this "

"I understand why you did it, it's okay Nat, she will understand too."

"She will hate me"

"No, she won't Natasha. She loves you way too much."

Natasha's head shot up at Clint's words.

"What do you mean by 'loves you'? Clint, Wanda and I are friends."

"Okay, listen. I may be old, but I'm not blind. I see the way you two talk to each other, how you make each other laugh, the way you look at each other."

"Even if that's true, it won't be like that again. Wanda will never be the same. I mean, she escaped the Raft. But do you really think that she will escape what happened there?"

"You're right, she will never be the same and maybe those experiences will haunt her forever, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't love you anymore. That kid felt nothing but pain the past weeks. Make her feel something else, make her feel love again, Natasha."

"You know what, you're a wise old man.  She actually smiled at me yesterday, I think it's at least a small progress. Maybe I'm able to help her feel like herself again. She has to learn how to love herself again and I will be there fot her"

"I bet you are. Now come here"

Clint opened his arms and pulled Natasha into a bear hug again.

"Everything's so messed up, Clint. She shouldn't have went through all that pain. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not her. She is so pure and kind- hearted, always looking out for others."

"She is jut a kid"

That sentence let tears well up in Natasha's eyes again. Clint was right, Wanda is just a kid. A kid that's been through way too many traumatic experiences. A kid that deserves nothing but love. And Natasha wanted to give her that love.

"We should destroy it"

"What?" Natasha asked in confusion as she was previously deep in thought.

"We should destroy the flashdrive. I don't want Wanda to find it. I also think that it wouldn't be good for you and any of the others to watch further into those tapes. It's so disturbing-"

"How do you know?"

"I don't exactly know, but I assume it to be disturbing because every night her screams would keep me up. Her screams were to only sign of life we got from her. It was releaving and disturbing at the same time. On the one hand, to hear that heart wrenching screams drove me insane. Not knowing what they did to her wasn't making it any easier. On the other hand I knew that she was still holding on, you know."

Clint now also had tears brimming in his eyes, desperately trying to hold them in.

"Let it out, Clint, I'm there for you"

Natasha wrapped her arms around her friend and let him cry for a while. With her free hand she ripped the flashdrive out of the laptop's port and held it up to Clint with a small smile.

"Let's start the healing"

The archer took the flashdrive out of Natasha's hand and went into the living area with Natasha behind him. The rest of the team was sitting around there with the fireplace heating up the room. All eyes were on the duo when they entered the room. The chatter stopped when Clint went towards the fireplace and threw the flashdrive in it.

Steve made room for Natasha and Clint in the couch and Tony offered them a drink. They spend the rest of the night together watching movies just like they used to at the Avengers compound.

Meanwhile in the Raft prison:

"How could you possibly be so stupid to let them get away with the witch. She can't be free, it's not safe for anyone. Get her the hell back here, I don't want to hear any excuses" Secretary Ross spat at one of the guards.

"There were too many of them sir, I'm sor-"

"I said no excuses! Make sure to get everyone locked up this time. I don't care who signed the Accords anymore. All of the broke the law. I can't wait to get the little witch back, we weren't quite done with her yet"

Author's Note
Sorry for the long wait. It's not very long again, but I hope you still like the chapter. Do you have any wishes for the next chapter?
Word count: 1330 words

She's Just A Kid~ W.M.Where stories live. Discover now