The Futurist

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Tony Stark sat on a chair in the empty conference room of the Avengers compound. His head rested in his hands as he let out a heavy sigh. He didn't expect to end things the way they did- that the accords would tear the Avengers apart. Oh boy, he was wrong. The Captains team got locked up in the Raft prison, Rhodey was currently stuck in a hospital bed, Natasha left because Ross was after her since she helped Steve to get away and Vision was debating, if what they did was morally good or not. Tony couldn't blame him though, he was thinking about that too.
What Nathasa said before she left really had an impact on him. He didn't want to be an egocentric person, after all his job as an Avenger was to help people. So, did he fail his job? Was he really such a self centered person that he didn't even notice it?

The fight with Steve and Bucky didn't help the situation either. He was so furious because Steve cept the information about Bucky killing Tonys parents to himself. But the more he thought about it, the more he started to understand why he did it.

The worst part was the visit in the Raft prison. He expected that the four of them wouldn't be all too happy to see him, but when he met their eyes, he felt pure hatred, especially from Clint. He shortly after learned about the reason for that hatred- it was Wanda.

"Mr. Stark, I'm glad that you were able to come here. Our interrogation methods don't really seem to work for the Avengers as it seems. Mr. Wilson told us about a guy called Zemo, but we believe that he is just trying to get more time for Steve Rogers to do whatever he is planning" the Secretary Ross said as Tony arrived in the Raft prison.

"I don't quite understand why I'm here now"

" I want you to talk to them as their friend, not an enemy. Maybe they'll give us some more useful information on Roger's plan. Rogers is dangerous, he needs to be locked away along with the Winter Soldier as long as he refuses to sign the accords. Now that Ms. Romanoff turned against us as well, she must be locked away too for disregaring the accords."

"I don't know anything about Ms. Romanoffs whereabouts. Also I have the feeling that they won't want to see me. After all I fought against them."

Ross just gave him a nod and started to walk through some corridors while Tony was trailing behind him. They got to a large reception like room. Behind a desk were dozens of cameras showing the cells and some more rooms and corridors.

Tony let his eyes wander over the screens until he found one of his ex teammates, Wanda. At first he wasn't sure, if it was her but she was the only female to be seen, so it must've been her. When he realised that she was stuck in a straight jacket and a shock collar, his breath paused for a moment. He also noticed that there was no bed in her cell. She just sat at the floor, staring daggers into the wall in front of her. Tony didn't talk much with her after she moved into the Compound. After he learned what pain his weapons had caused her, he understood that she needed space. It wasn't his fault, he knew it wasn't. But he couldn't blame her to feel that way. And even though she disliked him, he always tried to show sympathy to her. So when he saw her chained up in a cell without a bed, he felt bad for her.

Ross seemed to notice Tony's troble. "Oh don't pity her, she is dangerous and needs to be controlled. We can't let her out in the world with this chaos magic of hers. "

" I want to talk to her"

" That won't be possible Mr. Stark. Visitors aren't allowed in this area of the prison, I can't make any exceptions. Please follow me now, I will take you to the other inmates."

Before Tony could protest any further, Ross already walked away, so he followed him through some more floors of the building. On their way Tony payed attention to every turn they made and watched out for security cameras. They stopped at a heavy metal door which Ross's opened with a key card. The room behind the door was very bright and there were three cells where he spotted the rest of team Cap. When Tony stepped in the room, Ross gave him a nod and left through the door they came from. With a sigh he walked towards the cells.

She's Just A Kid~ W.M.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora