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It's still the same Saturday night. Osoro approached Oka who was still curled up against the front door of her apartment.

"I have a med kit in my bathroom, lemme get it for you." Osoro said.

Osoro came back and did what she could with Oka's wounds. Oka had some bandages on her arms and legs.

"T-Thank you..." Oka said.

"No problem. Hey, I have some leftover burgers from a cookout I went to yesterday, you want some?" Osoro asked, Oka nodded in response.

As Osoro walked towards the kitchen, she looked back at Oka and said, "By the way, don't go in my room. It's off limits."

Oka immediately became curious of this, as she lost herself in thought she heard a squawk.

She turned to the noise and saw a birds cage, there was a parrot.

"Aww! Who is this cute birb..?" Oka went to the cage.

Osoro jumped and quickly ran in but it was far too late.

"Pretty bird! Pretty bird!" It squawked.

Oka adored it.

"You be a good baby?" It squawked.

Oka turned to Osoro who was blushing heavily from embarrassment. Oka didn't realize though.

"C-Can I play with it..?" Oka asked.

Osoro smiled awkwardly and nodded, she opened the cage and the bird flew to her shoulder. Oka was amazed.

"Awww! Is it a boy or a girl?" Oka asked.

"It's a boy, I named him Yui. It's Chinese for moon I believe." Osoro said.

Osoro put Yui on Oka's shoulder, Yui looked at Oka.

"Cute birb, cute birb!" Yui squawked.

"He's adorable, though... why would someone as violent as you be babying a little bird-" Osoro cut Oka off before she could finish.

"WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, I HEAR THE MICROWAVE BEEPING! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" Osoro shouted as she put Yui back in his cage and walked into the kitchen.

Yui copied Osoro, "Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Oka couldn't help but giggle a little.

Osoro came back and handed Oka a burger.

"My aunty made them, enjoy." Osoro said as she dug in.

Oka examined it for a moment and ate it, and it was DELICIOUS.

"Delicious! Your aunt HAS to be some type of supernatural entity if she can make food THIS good!" Oka said.

Osoro snickered, she didn't want laugh at Oka because the paranormal was something that Oka was dedicated to.

"Now, I don't want to get too distracted from why I originally brought you here. Tell me about Musume, what is she to you? Or for better phrasing... who is she to you?" Osoro asked.

(DISCONTINUED) Oka x Osoro [Yandere Simulator]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu